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Hello everybody,
This is Liz from Salina, Ks. I am starting my second year teaching at-risk reading at the elementary level. I am also currently working on my master's through Baker U. One of our assignments was to check out Classroom 2.0. So here I am, trying to get some useful information from experienced teachers.
Welcome Liz, I teach in OP Ks and got my master's at Baker, too.
Hi all- I'm Julie Cunningham, and I'm starting my first year as a tech facilitator this fall. Also an avid rower, mom of four, voracious reader, and general tech junkie. :)

When I accepted the job, I was unaware how little support and 'curriculum' there is for computer lab time. After many hours of research, I know that there are a number of very complex philosophical issues regarding educational technology that I had no idea were out there! And I'm no nearer to having a set 'plan' for the lab time. I'm working towards integrating lab time as much as possible, and having the students learn by doing rather than learn 'how-to'. We'll see how that works out!
Julie, there have been several discussions here on 'lab curriculum'. You might search, there were some really well thought out approaches.
Hi! My name is Vicky O'Boyle and I am a mother of an adorable one year old daughter, an engaged learning specialist, and working on a 2nd second masters in technology. I live in the southwest suburbs of Chicago. I am completely fortunate and blessed that I have a job I absolutely love. I work with both staff and students on tech integration, training, tech purchases, and run the library. I completed my first masters in technology in the mid 90's, when people ask why I woud bother with another one....well, those of you who know and love technology understand why:) I am currently working on a masters through Wilkes University partnered with Discovery Education. The online class experience has been wonderful! I love the classes and am trying to soak it all in. I am new to Ning and am looking forward to this networking adventure. It already it awesome just reading what people post and share.
My name is Bernie Preston. I worked as a computer Tech for the first 15 years after high school. I then became a teachers in Math/Computer Science. I was ask to be a high school Tech Coordinator after about 10 years in the classroom.
In the past couple of years I began to see the need for our teachers to expand the strategies they have to deliver, evaluate, and refine the content of the courses they teach as well as helping students to become more active in the learning process. I guess to help teachers to become true facilitators of learning and not the sole provider of learning.
I began to hear about blogs, wikis, google apps, podcasts, and some of the content delivery systems like Adobe Captivate, Adobe Presenter, and the Adobe Connect Pro.
As a result of my wife’s classes in Library Science and working with her, I have embarked on this journey into the world of Web 2.0.
I have come to this blog in hopes of exchanging ideas are working together in making some of these visions I have a reality at our school.
I am beginning to see that my visions are a bit behind the times as many of you have done this for quite awhile.

Thank you
Bernie Preston
Hello! I am an eTeacher from Regina,SK, Canada. I work for Credenda Virtual School were I teach ELA and humanities at the high school level. I am currently working on my masters in Instructional Media from Wilkes University.

Looking forward to learning more!
Megaen Reader
Hi everyone,
My name is Ruth Abatzolou and I am a high school science teacher working in Santa Ana, California. We have many English learners at my school and a very large campus with 2500 students. My school has implemented Small Learning Communities a few years ago as a way to help students be successful. I am on a team that includes the Teach and e-Business Academies. I mainly teach biology, but I have also taught earth science and even algebra and chemistry when needed. I am currently working on my masters degree in instructional media which is an online program and learning more and more about technology every day. I am interested in learning how to use web 2.0 tools to increase learning in my science classes.
Because I am part of Small Learning Community, we are also working to implement collaborative project to help motivate and support learning. I think web 2.0 tools can be very helpful with collaborative project. I have started using a wiki with my students last spring and I want to learn more about how to implement this tool in my classroom more effectively. There is a lot for me to learn and I know this Ning will be a good resource.

Looking forward to our collaborative work. Ruth Abatzoglou

I'm Katie Theobald. I'm a high school teacher math and science teacher at a small, private school in Alexandria, VA. We cater to students with mild to moderate learning disabilities and my specific Web 2.0 interests are exploring tools to engage them and meet their varied needs. I'm currently teaching Algebra 1, Biology, and Environmental Science.

Looking forward to all this site has offer.
Hello everyone. I'm Greg Hart. I am the Art and Technology Integration Specialist for Hillsborough County Magnet Schools, in Tampa, Florida. I am glad to find this Ning devoted to Web 2.0 technology and education. I am really working to bring some of this technology into our schools and hope to find a lot of great resources here.
Hello! Scott Bley from Salina, KS where I teach middle school band. Please hold your applause.
My name is Aparna. I am the founding Mom of Parentella is for parents and teachers to connect around a class and share information about class news, homework, events, field trips, common class calendar etc. It is only for parents and educators.

I am here to learn more from a teacher's perspective. Parentella has local businesses advertising on the site and our goal is to become an ongoing revenue stream generator for schools and classes. It is time that educators focus on education and not on money.

It is a big dream and goal and I am prepared for the challenge. Thank you for letting me be here! I appreciate it.



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