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I'm Beth Willette, from Lapeer, MI, where I will be teaching history at one of our high schools. I was the Teacher Consultant for our building previously, but posted into General Education so that I can implement and model ways of incorporating technology into the classroom to help all students learn and remain engaged. Before this I spent over a decade in software development in Project Management & Quality Assurance. I have also taught history at the university level, worked for a corporate training center that taught TQM and Deming to salon owners, and taught science at a school for disabled adults. I run a family ning site that keeps my family in touch (we are spread all over the world) along with Skyping, and have just started sites for the two school groups I sponsor. My 15 year-old daughter and I are in the process of creating a bilingual ning site where French and English speaking students can meet and share their cultures. I hope to have it up next week, then we'll do the same for Spanish. I look forward to collaborating and learning with and from my colleagues here!
I"m a civics and geography teacher at Roaring Fork HS in Carbondale, CO, USA.
Currently experimenting with the Google suite of apps for students in both classes, using Google groups, Gmail, maps, sites, blogs, Earth....lots of stuff to do there.
Also researching how young people can use web 2.0 resources to advocate for real policy change and organize politically. Examples and ideas are welcome!
I am from the States and am presently the English Coordinater in a Catholic school for girls pre-k to grade 4 in Peru. I am fascinated by what I see going on and would love to integrate it into our English program. I am going back over the webcasts to learn as much as I can.
My name is Kay Lehmann. I teach online courses as well as authoring books about online learning. I want to learn more about how to use Web2.0 tools in my online courses, as well as model the use of such tools for the teachers who take my courses. My latest book is Making the Move to eLearning: Putting your Course Online.
Welcome, Kay. I am new to 2.0 also. My school district has dipped its toe into offering online classes. I really don't involve myself with that stuff too much, but I need to learn more.
I'm Teresa Mª Santos. I'm Portuguese. I am a teacher. I teach English to Portuguese students aged 11 to 15.
I very interested in Web 2.0 tools and other tools/ software that can be related to teaching English as a Foreign Language.
In my school I've been responsible for Moodle platform. At the beginning of this school year I am learning and practising a lot about IWBs. I'm also developing a project about eportfolios in one of my classes.
Thanks for having me among you! I'm very happy about it.
Hi Everyone. My name is Leesa Watego. I found out about Classroom 2.0 by participating in a number of Elluminate sessions through Edublogger (@suewaters), which I found via Twitter. Its funny I think where a few curious clicks gets you. I'm really a freelance educator, as I work in Higher Education, teacher PD, some consultancy in the area of Indigenous Studies. I should declare here too, that I have a business, Blacklines Publications. But I promise, I'm not a spammer. I'm here to learn about how to use technology better in education. I'm also a mum of four school-aged children, who is trying slowly to get things moving towards a 2.0 world in my children & their schools. I look forward to connecting! Cheers, Leesa
I have taught middle and high school mathematics in a large school district in Maryland. I've worked in there Office of Accountability and Research. I am now the Curriculum Specialist for Secondary Mathematics. I over see 25 middle and high schools and about 26,000 students.
I am interested in Mathematics Education, Data Analysis, Large-scale Assessments, and understanding more about how students learn.
I am married with two children. I enjoy playing chess.
Honestly, mathematics education is my job and my hobby. I am fortunate to be doing something I really enjoy.
I am new to Twitter. I don't text (yet). I'm learning about blogs and wikis. Classroom 2.0 is another part of my education of digital media. I oversee about 200 mathematics teachers--ages 22 to 65. The young ones already know this stuff and the middle aged ones probably should. I certainly should! That's why I'm here.
I hope to meet fellow educators from around the world and to learn from their experiences.
Hi all,

I am a Grade 5 homeroom teacher at Hong Kong Academy. I have previously taught in Beijing as a homeroom teacher and was a K - 12 ICT coordinator. I am taking a break from the ICT coordination to concentrate more on my classroom practice using technology. I feel that we are on the cusp of something very special in educational technology, lots of pieces/tools are out there and it's a matter of finding the ones that will work in the context we need them.

This year my main project is my class website. My aim is to be able to integrate as many work flows and information sources as possible into it, whilst keeping the maintenance of it very low. I'm also very interested in finding web2.0 tools that allow students to collaborate on work at school and at home, no matter what type of computer they own.

Looking foward to sharing ideas,
I teach psychology and intro to undergraduate studies at a branch campus of UNM, and I began teaching online using WebCT last year. What's been amazing about the foray into teaching online is how much it has made me think about ways of learning and teaching in general. I worked in industry in human factors, software development, test, and project management for 22 years before returning to teaching. I'm involved with developing the nascent eLearning program on our campus and have been exploring Web 2.0 tools and their applications for teaching for the past several months. Many of our students may be "Digital Natives," but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are computer literate. Thus, one challenge is how to incorporate technologies meaningfully without taking too much time away from course content to teach students how to use them.
My name is Janet Toto and I'm a third grade special educator in Westchester County, NY. This is a grade level change (I taught four grade for several years, and fifth grade before that) and I'm nervous about the change. However, I joined Classroom 2.0 for a PBS course I took last year, but never really participated in the process within these pages and links. Now I'm enrolled in their Capstone Program and I have returned! I'm hoping to discover new information about how I can effectively use technology in my practice. I jumped at the chance to join the beginner's group!
Hi Keren. It's good to find someone else on Classroom who is involved with mentoring and non-school learning programs. I maintain a web library with tutor/mentor information that anyone can draw from. I encourage you to browse it, and add your site. In one section we've been adding links to LA programs, so I hope you'll post your link there.

You'll see that the library is just the first step in a strategy aimed at helping more volunteer-based programs reach more kids in high poverty areas, and stay connected with those kids for longer periods of time.

I hope we can connect on Classroom, and elsewhere, and that this builds greater involvement in what we're each doing to help kids.



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