Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hello: Having just watched an interesting video about social media webinars at: - I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm a rather newbie at a Masters in Adult Education; focusing on Adult Second Language Acquisition. I hope to learn to speak/read/write Italian and in the process document the on-line effort. I'm very much Canadian and live in the East; so far - we haven't had snow!
Hi, my name is Lindsey Celeste and I am currently attending St. John Fisher College and studying to be a childhood and special education teacher. I joined this network for a class and to get some ideas of what new technologies there are out there that can be used in the classroom and some of the activities that can be done with these technologies. So, if anyone has any input I would really appreciate it!!
Mike Zimmer. I used to teach Social Studies, but now I am a Technology Integration Specialist working at my high school and two middle schools that feed to my high school. To increase communication with teachers I created a Blog for them. You all are welcome to visit and share your insights and ideas.
Hi all,

My name is Rachel Galdamez and I teach Spanish and Spanish for Native Speakers at Casa Grande High School in Petaluma, California. It is definitely a challenge at times but rewarding as I'm sure you all know. I just went to the ACTFL Conference and am trying to connect with other professionals.

I would love to hear what textbooks people like for Spanish FL at the high school level and any methodology suggestions for Spanish for Native Speakers.

Hope to hear from you soon!

HI Steve: got this site from Dr. Devoogd from Cal State Fresno. I have a Master's in Careers and have finished the first year of a teacher's credential program at Fresno. I am currently working at Daegu English Village outside of Daegu, South Korea. Although we primarily teach elementary school age children; there is going to be a push here to teach the teachers of the Korean students. They (and we) struggle with teaching conversation. I am signed on to get help with that and I will probably also be making referrals of this site to the teachers as many of them are somewhat geographically isolated. Thanks, Courtney Webb
Hi everyone. My name is Usman. I am a 24 year old British Asian. I was born in Bradford, England, only lived there as a toddler for 5 years. I then moved to Dundee, Scotland and am still enjoying this more calmer and peaceful part of UK. ; )
In 2007 I graduated from University of Abertay Dundee with a honours degree in BSc Multimedia Development. When studying this field there many areas to explore, however I was more fond of the multimedia/e-learning aspcet of the course/field. As a result i did my honours dissertation in this field.

In Sept 2009 i finally found the exact postgraduate course i was looking for - since then i am currently studying at Edinburgh Napier University - MSc E-Learning Design and Development. Within this course i had the pleasure of experiencing fully online learning (2 modules) and blended learning (1 module).

I am now in the last part of my course -focussing my research project on supporting international students. For this project I'm developing a Ning network named SPICEonline (Students Pre-arrival Induction for Continuing Education). This contains induction activities for Indian students who will be coming to Edinburgh next year to study postgraduate. The activities cover differences in education system of Indian and UK. Activities contain interactive quizzes, discussions and blogs. One of the major features of this short induction course is the 'Student Voice'. This contains audio clips experienced Indian students who have already studied at Edinburgh. The audio clips contain these experienced students explaining their experiences of studying in the UK. This will very useful for the new students.

With the Student Voice and other activities where they have to read and write, many skills are encouraged including English language skills. They have time to construct sentences and with the audio they can also hear and understand various English accents.

I would love to go on and explain my favourite task, but will save this for later. After all this is an introduction thread lol. : )
I'm Brent, a science and computer applications teacher in Chicago area. I have loved technology all my life. First use of a computer was 1969--the IBM 360 on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana. Loved Computer Science 101. Got hooked on personal computers in 1981 with loaner computers from an affluent school where I worked TRS-80 and Apple II. Trained many business users to use IBM-PCs in 1982 Lotus 123 was the rage. I couldn't afford one. $5000 for system unit with 2 SSSD floppy drives. $5000 more for 5MB hard disk unit--same size as system unit! Anyway I have had lots of experience as a teacher and computer user. I'm very happy to see technology FINALLY assisting education. It has been a LONG wait for me. Plato system, Apple II, CD-ROM ed software, simulations. Finally user constructed software content. Still a ways to go but the light is really getting brighter at the tunnel's end. :D
Valinda Collins - from Alabama -- I am teaching K-5 Computer classes this year -- a 'first' for our school to have a tech teacher and a 'first' for me to teach in this capacity. I love it -- the students love it. I appreciate so much knowing I can easily communicate with so many others about technology. Thank you! Validna

I recently took a position as a technology facilitator with Granville County Schools in North Carolina. I would appreciate advice/guidance from people who have designed ongoing staff development introducing teachers to the many tools available for use in their classrooms. How do you provide the depth needed for our more tech savvy teachers without overwhelming those who are not as comfortable with technology?
Hey hey hey. I'm Elias Hickman. I'm from LA orginally but I'm teaching English in Anyang, South Korea. I love this community already and am so glad there are tons of productive teachers out there.
Hi! My name is Jennifer Rose. I am a former teacher of students with multiple disabilities. I left teaching after my son was born to allow myself to spend more time with him as he grew up. Now that he is in third grade and past the early elementary stuggles and more into the subjects my husband can and does help with, it is time for me to return to the classroom. I am currently enrolled in the Masters of Education - Reading and Mathematics at Walden University. I hope to reactivate my teaching certificate either later this spring or early in the summer. I am excited to be taking part in an educational community after 7 years of working for a local manufacturing company.
I'm an eLearning Advisor at the Correspondence School in New Zealand. I may have been on this site a couple of years back in a previous role...but can't remember for the life of me with which email address.

I find Ning a great tool with which to foster communities of practice; its only as good as the people on it of course so I'll look forward to speaking with some of you - particularly any distance educators



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