Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Welcome! I hope you'll find this as helpful as I have. There are a lot of great people here nwith some fantastic ideas!
Hi Claudia is a fabulous idea. I have got so much out of it and have been a member for about 9 months. I have used so many web2.0 tools as a result of it. Forgot to tell you that I teach in a small rural country school in Australia and teach years 5 through to 10. I am fortunate that I teach information technology.
This is Reuven Werber from Kibbutz Kfar Etzion, Israel, 20 kms. south of Jerusalem.
At our school, Neveh Channah, we have begun to utilize web2.0 applications in some of our learning projects.
Heard about this community from my friend and colleague, Sharon Peters from Montreal.
John Tanner here. I am the Director of a Regional Educational Media Center in Saginaw Michigan USA. There are 22 Centers (REMCs) in Michigan. We provide media/library support services to k-12 school districts. I am responsible for over 30 school districts in mid Michigan. We spend a lot of time talking about the 2.0 Classroom and this fits perfectly within our mission of R&D for vision.
Hello all...I'm Beth from Ontario, Canada, and I found this social network via my
Google Reader which brings my RSS feed of several folks like David Warlick,
Will Richardson and others. I'm an IT Consultant for a large school district and
am particularly interested in 2.0 things as they pertain to what we educators
should be doing and learning.
Chris Lehmann -- Principal, Science Leadership Academy
Philadelphia, PA
Cheryl, from Seattle, here. I'm very interested in watching (and participating in) the discussions here. I've been doing a little research on Web 2.0 and the possibilities for classroom use are endless!
Nate Lowell, here.

I live online.

You've heard the terms Digital Native and Digitial Immigrant? I'm a Digital Aboriginal.
Digital Aboriginal or Digital Original? Either way, it's a cool title!
I'm a digital groupie. I don't necessarily belong here but I wish I did.
My colleague has another term he's using to describe himself - and he's in his 30's: Millennial Wannabe
I too am in my 30's and love the term Millenial Wannabe.



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