Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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My name is Sue Stones, I am from Australia. I teach IT to adults, generally in Vocational Education. I am hoping to be able to teach teachers how to teach IT in schools. I think that would be a rewarding idea.

I think that the "Information Superhighway" or "Web 2.0" is going to change the way learning happens, and teachers need to understand that, and be able to keep up with their students in order to ensure that education is effective. They need someone to help them keep up with the sorts of IT usage which their students are growing up with as a natural part of life.

Can you click on my blog. I think the information superhighway is amazing and learning sure is different than it was 10 years ago! Warm wishes, and welcome!
Lisa Q.
I'm Pertti Ervasti, working as a marketing lecturer and project manager at KAO-Kuusamo (vocational school) in northern Finland. Pertti
Check out my blog! It is small ESL pieces for ELLs
Welcome to this Ning!
Lisa Q>
(I am new, too!)
Hello Lisa,

What a delightful site! I will show it to my students and I added it to my blogroll on

Show and Tell

You are sure to get some traffic.

Best Wishes to you and your students,
Deborah Kerwood
I live in VT, and coordinate the Franklin County Early Childhood Programs. We offer Universal Access for all four years, provide services for children eligible for early childhood special education oversee Success by Six playgroups, story hours and provide bookmobile services to local childcare providers, preschools and families.
Am new here. Teach Technology Education to students in grades 6, 7, 8 in Illinois, not far from Chicago. I work with teachers in staff development related to technology from time to time. Glad to join in!
Hi everyone, I'm Vanessa Scanfeld, from NYC. I'm the co-founder of a web 2.0 startup, called MixedInk. We created a fun way for students to write collaborative texts together, pushing them to take creative risks, learn from their peers, evaluate their own and other students' work, and learn how to work in a team. You can check out our demo here: I'm excited to be part of this community and hear what everyone is working on!
Hi everyone. Sara, LIUC University, Italy. Glad to be here!
I hope to learn more through sharing ideas with you...
Hi my name is Lisa Quinn, I am from Pennsylvania. I teach in a cyber charter school...right now teaching ESL.
I just recently started a little blog for my ELLs.
I am really interested in integrating as many cool technologies for my students. We use Moodle in our school!
Please click on my blog! I look forward to being part of this community!
Lisa Q>
Hi, so glad to join in ! I´m Adriana, from South Patagonia Argentina, exactly Comodoro Rivadavia, oil city, too many people, wild landscape (mesetas), beautiful sea and sky, terrible weather !! (too windy). I teach English at University (Engineering School), and in fact I´m here trying to explore new and friendly places to teach as part of a project for a Post Graduate Course I´m at present taking .. well, hope to keep in contact and I´ll try to get started and explore this virtual and lovely classroom (hopefully I won´t get lost !)
HI, I am Ashlyn Dugan. I teach English through Distance Ed. I live in Arkansas.



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