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Hi all! Matt Allen here in Maysville, GA teaching first grade. This is my first year teaching and I am absolutely loving it!!
Hi, This is my first intro to Classroom 2.0

I live in Roseville, CA,USA and have lived here for over 10 years. In the last year i have been taking download classes to learn how to be a successful Internet Marketer. The learning curve is huge as there is so much to learn and digest to get to a point of having success. I find this means of being connected to a Social Media very exciting and challenging. My goal is to have my websites create a store that is open 24/7 and provide the content and products for my customers.
I teach English to sophomores, juniors and seniors at a small Kansas high school. My current passion is developing online courses for our small high school so as to provide more choices and better opportunities for our students. You can see more about me at or .
Terri, Is it snowing there? I live in a KC suburb and it pouring down snow--we aren't suppose to get more than 2-4 but both Wichita and Manhattan got dumped on! It's hard this time of the year when we are ready for spring and the bulbs are up and the trees blooming.
It was horrific here - until 1 p.m. when the snow/sleet stopped. The sun came out about 3 or 4 and the side roads now are much better. Our city and county people get out quickly for the main streets and highways, but the side streets are another story. We'll be fine to get around tomorrow. We're about an hour south of Wichita but I'm not sure what our final count was. Most of the schools closed around noon yesterday because of the freezing rain that began. All of our flowers and trees are iced over and I imagine a lot will be lost. It was getting quite spring-like!
Hello everyone!

I've been around the site a bit and it is well worth it! My name is Akis and I come from Greece. I was born in 1981 and my BA is in Electronics Engineering.

I am facinated by the power of web 2.0 (I know many people don't like this term!) tools and that was
the main reason I started my MSc BIT last September.

I'm investigating the web and online databses for articles and case studies that would be part of my dissertation.
My focus will be on how students in my University (can be easily expanded) use web 2.0 tools for conducting group studying and project assignments. I currently have 2 group assignments and one project and if it hadn't been for Ning and Wetpaint (wiki tool) and Facebook we wouldn't have produced any work as the member of the team live more than one hour distance from each other and most of us work. The University's provided tools totaly lack functionality and require dedicating time and effort just to get going and in my opinion some of their highly paid expansions have proven useless to students.

I look forward to hearing your opinion on this matter! Nice being here
Hi! I'm new and currently find myself fascinated by the concept of CHANGE in our educational system. It is easy to see the impact emerging technologies are having on all aspects of society outside of school. It is not so easy to see how we are going to be able to adapt our system to respond to those changes. My belief is that we need to make systemic changes so we may better prepare our students to leave school ready for what they will encounter.

Or maybe I just like gadgets?

Hoping to be able to join in and make a contribution around here!

Welcome aboard, if you want to 'jaw' about 'change' post a discussion. There are lots of people here with lots of opinions!
Hi there!
I am new to Classroom 2.0! I am a second grade teacher at a private school in Los Angeles, California, USA. I heard about Classroom 2.0 from my grad school professor for Advanced Educational Technology. I am excited to be joining a community where I can learn and share. I have a lot of tech tools at my disposal, but can't always find the time to integrate them into class everyday. We have a Smartboard in my classroom, so that has given us a lot of opportunities. I have a lot to learn about it and all the technology we have available, so that's why I am here. Just by reading a few posts, I have already gotten tons of ideas! Some of the things I'd like to learn more about are:
•Daily blog use in elementary schools
•Notebook activities for second grade in all subjects
•Using Cobalt (or is now called Squeak-I'm confused!) to create 3-d worlds (this sounds like something my kids would love to do!)
•Incorporating basal reader lessons into a Smartboard-savvy elementary classroom! (This seems like a toughie for me)

That's all I can think of right now, but I know there is more! I am looking forward to chatting, sharing, and learning.
Hello Classroom 2.0 members. I was directed towards this community by a guy called Jeff Utecht during the EARCOS conference in Kota Kinabalu. I'm an international school teacher currently working in China but soon moving to Bangkok. I've worked in Bangladesh previously, and the UK.

I'm hoping to use this community to open up connections for my students and to share ideas for teaching and learning.

Any suggestions for the best way to use this ning would be much appreciated.

My name is Rebecca Wills. I stumbled on this website sortof by accident, browsed through it, and thought that I would sign up for it. I am a student in the College of Education at Purdue University.



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