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Although I have a facebook and a Skype account - this area of the internet is new to me.
I am the Principal of a small school and teach senior science and senior math in Imperial School, Imperial Saskatchewan.
Hello, Jennifer Rigby from Bunker Hill, WV! I am a special education teacher working at a K-3 school with students who have Autism. I am also an aspiring administrator in the process of aquiring my certification. This is a very useful site!
Hello everyone! My name is Elisabeth, I'm currently a grad student in Emporia University's online Instructional Design and Technology program, however I also work as the eLearning Resources Support Specialist at Lesley University in Mass. I work with faculty on effective practices for integrating technology into their curriculum, and am very interested in learning and expanding my own knowledge with how technology and web 2.0 tools can be used in education. I’ve come across this site several times before and have found the information on it very useful, so this time I finally decided to sign up!
Hi Elisabeth,

I am the education manager with GlogsterEDU. As a former teacher, senior director with Pearson Evaluation Systems (MA Teacher's Assessment)s, and a resident of MA, I appreciate your interest in web 2.0 tools in education. We have a fabulous, creative digital outlet for educators to create interactive posters utilizing photos, video, audio, text and more. Please check out our site www.glogster/ Let me know how we can provide assistance!
Jim Dachos
Hi Jim,
I'm Kami Mulzet. I'm a sixth grade language arts teacher at an independent school in Pennsylvania and I absolutely love glogster! I've been participating in a year-long training on using web 2.0 tools in the classroom and glogster was talked about on our group's Ning. We did run into an issue though - after it was used in my daughter's 4th grade class. The kids loved it and got so excited that several went home and got their parents to sign up for an account. They used at school but the students just logged onto regular at home. A parent was very upset by some of the content on that site and complained to our administration. The result was that it put a stop on our web 2.0 efforts (until a committee could form to investigate every tool we propose from now on.)

My daughter has used glogster/edu at home and loves it. I'm sitting in a library right now and she just had ten minutes before an activity and she used her time to to create a new glog. I just had to write when I saw your post right after that! I'm dying to use it with my sixth graders, but I had to put the brakes on until we can sort this issue out.

The faculty team that I'm working with changed directions after our incident and we are now focusing on parent education for web 2.0 issues (instead of professional development as we had planned.) I just wanted to let you know that we had this unfortunate issue come up, but also to say that we will persevere because we are very committed to moving forward and glogster is a fantastic tool for getting kids excited. In fact, we created a parent education glog, and we plan to use it for presentations to get our parents on board!
Kami, Sad but true!! You might post this as a discussion topic--I bet there would be lots of interest. I wonder if parent permission with a caveat about 'chance of inappropriate images' would have solved your problem. The other consideration is that MANY of the Web 2.0 tools have an age 13 limit (don't know about Glogster). So one could be in even bigger trouble if that's the case. Remember, too that many of these tools are being used in ways they weren't designed to be used---who knew teenagers would be using Tikatok to write books for instance. Or teachers would use Google Earth to plot out virtual fieldtrips. Hope you get Glogster back!!

Check this gal out, she's done some beautiful glogs using primary sources.
Hello Kami,
Thanks so much for your thoughtful response. It is Glogsters intent to differentiate the Glogster site from the EDU site. Some cross over is expected and we certainly understand that some of the glogs on Glogster are not educational in nature. Schools are blocking Glogster and approving GlogsterEDU. As you are aware we have developed and implemented many controls to make GlogsterEDU a very safe site. Let us know how we might help you get Glogster approved in your school.

I am excited to know that you "were" finding it a very useful tool for your students. If you would like to share some of your glogs with us we are always looking for new ideas on content, uses, and functionality.

Good luck!
Thanks for your response! I do have a question - (my apologies for keeping this conversation going in the introductions area!) I have embedded two videos into my glog - and we are getting some pop-up ads that we feel are not going to help with this cause as they are pretty inappropriate. So many layers to watch out for! When I do get this glog together, I'd love to share it with you. My question is: can I embed a video from a site like teachertube so that the ads don't pop up? I'd like to use them if possible, but will take them out if not. (If there is a better place to take this conversation, btw, please feel free to move it elsewhere, just let me know where to find it!) Thanks!
Hi Kami,

See response below from our business manager who is working with teachertube/schooltube, hope it helps! Please send emails directly to if this format is clumsy.

"The ads she is speaking of are completely controlled by; we have no control over them. The only way we can control them would be to partner with them and I am working on that, but that relationship between us could be a while. I am surprised their videos would have inappropriate content! We are partnering with and their videos should not have ads on them that are inappropriate. That deal will be done next month….."

Thanks, Jim
Wait Wait!!! I've been following your conversation and would love to have it continue. Glogster looks like something we'd like to try!
So continuing this discussion, even in a new place, would be great! Unfortunately, I'm too new to this to know how to start a discussion or where to go to find you if you were willing to just "move" rather than go personal email...
Would you mind letting the rest of us continue to listen in and learn??? If you have to move can you direct us to where?

Thank you!
CH, If you want to restart the discussion go to the front page, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the list of ongoing discussions and you'll see "start new discussion'. You are right, a lot of people will miss the discussion if you continue it here! N
Thanks for requesting it! I've started a thread called: "Using Glogster to teach parents about Web 2.0" in the forums. I actually had so many directions that I wanted to take this discussion, I had a hard time narrowing it down to those two. I guess that we can start there and see where it goes. Please feel free to veer off in any direction that works for you!



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