Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Welcome Sunita,

I teach in the learning support center in middle school at American International School in Cairo, Egypt. We have lots to share!

Deborah Kerwood
Hi, I'm Teresa McNamara from Brisbane, Australia and I teach a class of 26 Year 5 girls at St Ignatius School Toowong. I've been blogging with students for a few years now and I've been the school's administrator for since 2005. I'm looking to expand my practice into other areas of Web 2.0 to keep my students engaged.
Hi all. My name is Jeanette. I am a Business Education teacher at Mauston High School in Wisconsin. Currently I am working on a Master's through Full Sail University. The program is Educational Media Design and Technology. I am fine with all the technology we are using, but am terrified of the Thesis paper. I know I want to focus either on Social Networking in the classroom or Web 2.0 tools in the classroom. My problem is trying to write a specific thesis statement (which is due at the end of this month - EEK).

I enjoy teaching computer classes more than text-based classes. Some of the classes I teach this year are Intro to Business, Personal Finance, Basic Computers, Computer Skills, Web Page Design, and E TV (broadcasting class).
This is Chad, I have been involved in online marketing and ecommerce startup sites for 7 years. I am looking to get more into social networking and web 2.0 to support my current endeavors.
hi to all members of the classroom 2.0 family

i am from trinidad and tobago i am a teacher of business for the past 12 years i teach both male and female students from age 15 to 17
i love working on projects with my students and that is why i want to get a feel for all the web 2.0 tools to make my students ready for the future
right now we are preparing for the summit of americas next week and school is out for easter vacation so i am catching up on all the presentations i missed
Hello! I'm Karen from Austin, TX - active PTA volunteer and founder of VolunteerSpot.

I'm passionate about eliminating busy work so teachers and parents can get on to the more important things. VolunteerSpot does just that. Its a free web tool that automates scheduling, signups and reminder messages, makes clipboard signup sheets obsolete, and helps teachers and parent helpers get to bed on time. (test proctors, parent-teacher conference scheduling, classroom volunteers, boosters, etc.) We're still fine-tuning. Please check us out and share your feedback - click the red feedback button at the top of the site. click DEMO for a video or live tour.
Hey Hey Classroom 2.0ers!

My name is Bill Ferriter and I've been stumbling around in the digital soup for a few years now trying to make sense of what easy access to new tools for creation, communication and collaboration mean for learners. I've done a lot of work with digital tools in my sixth grade classroom and have been writing with regularity about my own interaction with digital tools on my blog.

I'm also long time member of the Teacher Leaders Network----one of the longest lived online learning communities----so I feel comfortable connecting electronically.

I'm excited about joining the conversation here, though, because your dialogue is focused on an area of deep personal and professional interest.

Here's to hoping that I can add as much to this conversation as I'm sure to take away!

Thanks for having me,
Welcome aboard, I know you'll learn a lot. Feel free to start some discussions on things that interest you. You can also search for common topics (blogs, wikis, student email, etc) or check out tags on the right!
My name is Jason Watson from Birmingham, Alabama. I'm a middle school social studies teacher.
Jason Strong from Warsaw, VA. This year has been a huge step for me as an professional. I feel like I've opened quite a few windows for my students to crawl through to access the digital world this year, and I'm hoping to make those windows doors next year. It is clear to see the benefits of this network, as I have already used it to connect to another English teacher on the other side of the globe. I can't wait to see the possibilities that emerge through this association of devoted educators.
Please forgive my ridiculous profile picture. I refuse to be taken too seriously!
I like the pic, you look a little like some famous person....hummmm? My pic actually looks like me!
I am a 6th grade teacher at a year round school in Santa Barbara, California
Jean Rogers-O'Reilly



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