Hi! I'm Angenz aka Ange from New Zealand and this is my first time on classroom 2.0. I am currently facilitating in 7 schools and would love to hear from people who are using ICT in their classes. I have just started a new wiki www.ictdigitialnatives.wikispaces.com to help teachers see examples of how ICT can be used in their class!
Hello! I'm Tess, a high school teacher and technology coordinator from Ohio. I've been in the classroom for nine years. I teach Media Communications and Video Production in a small private high school. Can't wait to dig in to this site!
Hi, my name is Bill Guinee and I am a professor of cultural anthropology at a midwestern college. I am a little worried that this site is all K-12, but I hope I can learn about ways of using collaborative learning and research on web 2.0 here anyway. If I am in the wrong place, I would appreciate it if someone could suggest other more relevant sites. Thanks.
I think there are some college professors here, you'll get a lot out of how the Web 2.0 tools are being used no matter the age of your students. Welcome, N
Hello there! I'm Tye Norbraten - a Canadian 4th Grade Teacher at an international school in Seoul, South Korea. I'm looking forward to communicating with other elementary school teachers - particularly about using Web 2.0 tools in the classroom.... and have some fun while doing it, of course!
My name is Justin Cannon - I'm a recent MIT grad working on his first venture in education: a foreign language learning startup called Lingt. Hoping to get connected to the community and make a difference!
Looking forward to meeting some great educators and thinkers on Classroom 2.0!
It is nice to see a the profile picture behind the company....I just used lingtlanguage for my midterm speaking section. I think the site has great potential. Keep up the good work and welcome to Classroom 2.0!
I'm an elementary art teacher in Houston, Texas. I've been on this site for a while, but never taken the time to formally introduce myself.
I love the technology that I have in my classroom. I have a document camera, Teamboard, projector, a couple of Windows 97 computers (no one else wants them), a laptop, a MacBook Pro and I love to use my iPod in the art room.
Looking forward to learning more.
hello........my name is Barbara I'm from Argentina and I am new in this site, i lost in this moment because this page has a lot of info....thanks for all...kisses