Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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I thought your name looked familiar, but not sure why. Where do you teach?
Bernadette, Shawnee Mission, been here for 25 years!
I figured it had to be. I spent 10 years in SM - mostly at Westwood View and the last year at Corinth. I'm up north now in Gladstone at a private school, but still hang with some folks at SM to stay in the loop. What school are you at?
I teach gifted ed at Broken Arrow, was at Nieman and Marsh the 20 years before that. Why did you make the change?
That's tricky to answer. Short story, this position gives me more opportunity for personal growth and application of leadership skills. Off record, so many reason more (so, so, SO many more).
Well I hope it was a good decision for you!!
Hi. My name is Lynda Weaver and I am in my eighth year in technology at a 4th-6th grade building in Topeka, KS. My current title is Instructional Technology Support Coach which involves me moving out of the computer lab and into the classrooms to provide support in integrating technology. This is our first year for this transition and it is going well but slowly. As we gain more technology, I am excited to add the Web 2.0 tools into our classrooms. I am looking forward to learning and sharing through this site.

Hello! My name is Stephanie Weltz. I am a high school Spanish teacher in South Carolina. I am teaching all levels from Spanish 1 to IB HL, and I am very interested in web 2.0 tools. I have a Promethean Board in my classroom, and am in an IB, and MYP school. I am looking for people to network with. Look me up on twitter... sraweltz
Hi! My name is Melissa Kruger. I live in a small town outside of Jesup, GA but I do teach in Jesup. I am currently working on my Master's Degree in the Integration of Technology in the classroom, so I am looking forward to collaborating with you all.
Hi all! Roz Faulkner, IT trainer in a national law firm - currently work in the Sydney office (Australia). Started 'life' as a classroom teacher but been working in the corporate environment for over 25 years now. My role incorporates training to adults (ranging in age from 18 to 70yrs) in the software (both inhouse and commercially developed) and hardware used by our organisation. Law because of it conservative professional nature can raise challenges if trying to introduce new technology innovations when training its staff. Interested to hear other comments as well as become more aware and versitile in techno learning experiences.
Hi~ I am the middle school EAL coordinator at Jakarta International School. My goal is to not only collaborate within my immediate work environment but also globally as I inquire into new ways of looking at learning through the lens of technology--as I learn with and am taught by my students!
OK my name is Andrew Scott. I am a learning and development manager with a global pharmaceutical company based in Sydney Australia. My job entails a fairly broad range of learning environments. I train product knowledge for sales people and marketers as well as selling skills for sales people and their managers and I am starting to get involved in management and leadership training across the company. Another area of interest is broader professional development for all employees and developing a framework of offerings which they can access at different stages of their careers.

My background in Adult education is largely sports coaching but I also spent a few years in the Vocational Education and Training sphere delivery licensing courses for people entering or progressing through the security industry. I have coached around the World in Australia, the United Kingdom, Japan and the United States. I look forward to sharing ideas and learning from people with more experience in web based applications.



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