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Hi, I am Micki Daniel, a technology trainer from Knox County Schools in Knoxville, TN. I am curious about how Classroom 2.0 works and what is going on here.
Hi everyone, David Ashby, Spanish teacher and Educational Technologist from Frisco, TX.
Hi Everyone,

My name is James Watson. I teach English at a prep school in Seattle, WA. My goal for next year is to teach trimester long course on audio essays.
Hello to all,

I look forward to hearing from other educators and hope to convince other teachers in my school to join as well. I teach World Geographic Regions to 8th graders in Maine. All students in 7th & 8th grade in Maine have laptops and I am always looking for ways to use this technology to help my students develop 21st Century skills. I am also interested in hearing from teachers that have connected their classrooms with classrooms around the world. I am overwhelmed by the number of choices out there and do not have the time to research them all. So I would love to hear from other teachers who have already used these tools.

Barb Perry
Hi! My name is Cynthia Overton. I’m originally from Detroit, but have been living in the DC area for almost 4 years. I work for a research organization, but I got my start in schools. I miss that first hand knowledge of what’s going on with kids and education since leaving the classroom. I also really miss the relationships that I had with my colleagues. So with that, I hope that joining this community will help me get a better sense of the interesting and productive ways that technology is being used in education while providing a platform for establishing connections with practitioners.
Hi, I'm Nigel, Social HOD at New Generation International School, Cairo. Came across this site whilst looking for professional development ideas for my staff. Would love to hear thoughts and suggestions about PD regarding curriculum development and pedagogy generally. Recently attended the NESA Conference (including AP workshop) here in Cairo, which was brill! So many ideas. Looking forward to discussing!
Hello, everyone!
My name is Shaunna, and I work in Washington state, teaching 7th grade math at a middle school. I am participating in a district program that is supposed to help us integrate technology into our teaching, and would love to hear ideas about how to do that! I look forward to the collaboration that this site seems to be promising!
Hi All,

My name is Eric Hamilton. I joined Classroom 2.0 at the beginning of the school year, and felt a little out of my league as far as Web 2.0. I have been reading and researching all year, and now feel that I have something to add to the discussions here.

I am so excited and passionate about this paradigm shift in education. My goal is to educate as many school administrators, teachers, and students as to the incredible potential that comes with this new frontier.

I am currently the Program Director for a gifted magnet school in Colorado Springs. We have 100 6th, 7th , and 8th graders in a self-contained program with 5 GT teachers. It has been an amazing experience to bring Web 2.0 to my students and teachers.

I first started a wikispace for students who have and Advanced Learning Plan. They explored their passions and strengths using their ALP pages. They produced some amazing content using VoiceThread and Animoto. I hope to showcase their work at the end of the year.

Then I started teaching a debate class during the 4th quarter. I set up a pbwiki space that included the syllabus, daily lesson plans, discussion pages, student blogs, and debate resources(videos, articles, graphic organizers, and research links). The kids are eating it up. They submit their weekly homework on line(it gets time stamped so I know how much to mark off for lateness). One of the most exciting aspects of this class is that I have invited experts to join the wiki and provide direct feedback to students as they are constructing their arguments for debate. We have 2 lawyers, 1 judge, and a philosophy professor who periodically comment on student work. It has been amazing and I love teaching this class.

Anyway, our district is very excited about these developments and they would like me to present their work to schools.

I am very happy to be a part of this community of educational revolutionaries. I even started a blog:
Welcome, I teach gifted kiddos, too K-6. You might want to stop by network is not as active as this but everybody who participates is either a gifted ed teacher or a parent of a gifted kid.

Thanks for the invite. I logged on and now I just need to carve out the time to get involved.
Hi everyone! Can't believe it took me this long to join, but here I am. I teach grade eight in Regina, Saskatchewan and I'm a grad student at UBC. Interested in all Web 2.o tools. Taught using Teen Second Life and most recently experimenting with back-channeling.
I'm Allyn McGillicuddy, Chief Information officer from Golden Gate University in San Francisco. I'm very pleased to discover a group focused on sharing innovative ways in the education arena.



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