Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hi everyone, my name is Greg Garner and I'm somewhere in East Texas. Usually somewhere between Gladewater, Longview, Kilgore, and Tyler...

I currently teach 6th grade math and 8th grade computer keyboarding at Gladewater Middle School and am always looking for more ways to immerse students with creative/innovative uses of technology.
Originally from Dubuque, IA, I was brought to western Iowa through the luck of the UNI Student Teacher draft (whatever that is). I substituted in Council Bluffs CDS for four years. I was then hired by the Plattsmouth (Nebraska) CSD and enjoyed my ten years there, but like all good things, they must come to an end. I am currently in my fourth year at South High Magnet School in the Omaha Public Schools and cherish my role as "the token male" in the English department and like all good teachers, I am counting my days down to summer vacation.
My name is Greg Gorman, I am a first year superintendent, in Kansas. With the budget cutbacks our district is not purchasing any textbooks this year, which is fine since I feel they are overrated anyway. I have two teachers that are interested in writing their own textbooks from our state standards, one in science and one in language arts. I am in need of guidance on this project if you know of anyone that has already done this or is currently in the process, we plan to put it in a wiki form.
I've heard of places in California doing something similar, but don't quote me...

Our middle school math department only uses textbooks for the practice problems they provide. We actually wrote/developed our own curriculum over the summer (grueling, but worth it) and now just use the textbook as a resource. Personally, I really like this approach, rather than simply trudging from one chapter to the next.

I'm originally from Independence, so it's neat to "see" another Kansan(?) on here, especially since I'm trapped in Texas!
Hi. My name is Mindy von Freymann. I teach 7th grade Social Studies in a rural town in Ohio. I have just recently completed a web 2.0 course. I have yet to implement the 'things' I have learned. This site is one of the places we checked out. I really like the page and signed up.

I am interested in using more technology in my classroom. I love to read and write. I also like to meet new people share ideas, so I hope this is just the place for me.

I teach a middle school technology engineering class in Yukon, Oklahoma, USA. I am currently working a website, Are there any cool web 2.0 tools I could add for interactivity?
Hi! Amy from Temecula, CA! Glad to be here and learn so much! Thanks for my new hangout! ; )
My name is Susan Armusewicz. I teach computers to K-5 students in Sag Harbor, NY. I love what I do and am always looking for new ways to integrate technology and inspire the teachers I work with.
Hello everyone. My name is Glenn deMarrais and I am new to this NING. I am an assistant principal in Montvale NJ in a high school that is in the 4th year of a 1:1 laptop program. I am hoping to help inspire our teachers to move into the relm of web 2.0. Before I can expect them to do that, I think it is important for me to be able to model it and discuss "web 2.0" on somewhat of an intellignet level.
Glenn, You will learn about all the new tools here at CR2.0. My students done some projects using old tools and new, you can see our latest projects here. You might see something that strikes your fancy.
Hi Glenn,

Introduce your teachers/students to, they will love it and you will show them your web 2.0 savvy. Contact me if you want to know more. Glogster was featured recently on Discovery.
Hello!! My name is Mitzi and I am a technology facilitator that works in our school district and four other parishes. I service all grade levels and school communities.



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