Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hello Mitzi,

I am always interested in speaking with tech facilators about web 2.0 tools. We are collaborating with a number of the top tools to make our free products accessible to schools. Recent we were featured on Discovery. I will provide more information if you want. Welcome...
Hi all, middle school math coach, Atlantic City, NJ. I'm looking forward to learning from everyone.
Good morning...!

Just a brief introduction here... I joined Classroom 2.0 hoping to learn more about the dynamics of a classroom in order to improve my skills as an educational interpreter (sign language). I believe the more I learn about the classroom environment, the better I can interpret.

I have been interpreting only about 4 years, but love it! For each class that I interpret, I try to get lesson plans, reading assignments, study guides, etc ahead of time in order to know and better support the teacher's goals.

I look forward to learning a lot here.

Thank you!
Hello Ning,

I'm Steve Weatherell, a teacher of Science and in particular Physics presently at an international school in Shanghai. I've only ever really worked in international schools (in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Europe). I'm interested in the possibilities that new ideas give for teaching my subject. This is a very exciting time to have returned from administration to teaching, as the job now offers the possibility of a re-definition of what we do. My school is committed to embracing the future in this way but does not know what it has let itself in for. The potential changes are much more radical than a non-techy administration can envisage. What I am asking myself, amongst other things, is how we will learn to accept the present frenetic pace as normal (assuming it doesn't let up). My colleagues are starting to hear about wikis and Twitter (me I've known for six months!) and I dare not tell them about nings. They are intimidated about the multiplicity of options and don't realise that the rest of us only see a tiny bit of the whole landscape as well.

Hi everyone, my name is Katy and i am new to my role as ICT coordinator at my school. I have joined to gain as much Professional learning and insight as possible. I am on a learning journey and have also created my own blog in edublogs, feel free to visit
I am wanting to network with people so that i can learn from the experts about Web 2.0 and how best to teach the concepts of Web 2.0 within my computer lab.

A little about myself: I am a primary trained teacher and have been teaching for 9 yrs now. I have lived and worked in the UK as a teacher for 4.5 yrs before returning to Australia and have finally found my passion in ICT. I have always loved teaching and never been afraid of technology but now i have finally found my niche in my career and am very excited. I also am married with a 22 month old daughter so time is very limited.
I am looking forward to networking with people. Loving being here already. Kate
Hey, fellow teachers! I just found this site while involved in an online class about utilizing Web 2.0 convenient! I teach high school math and am interested in using Web 2.0 tools as I make the transition from a traditional math program to College Preparatory Mathematics (CPM). I'd like to find other CPM teachers out there who would like to collaborate and brainstorm. I teach in Wisconsin.
Where is the class?

I'm Kimberly Nolting from Seminole County, Florida. I've been a educational technology facilitator for my district for six years. I a GEEK and an aspiring nerd and I am proud of it. :D

I'm part of our district technology cadre so I help with a lot of curriculum writing as well as work at my school site. I look forward to picking everyone's brains on all the great educational discussion that are happening here.

I'm also just getting into Second Life as a way to expand my professional learning network. Additionally, I'm exploring virtual worlds as a teaching area for our older elementary students.
Hi Kimberly,

If you are looking for a wonderful forum for presenting older elementary students work, give a try. Glogster was a featured platform for Discovery Education's most recent annual conference. It's free, creative and expanding.
Hi, I am Mike Nantais. I am an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at Brandon University in Brandon Manitoba, Canada. Previously, I have been a Public School teacher for 30 years, including stints as a Principal and ICT Coordinator in a K-12 rural school. As a teacher, I taught High School Math, Sciences and computer courses of all types. I am interested in all aspects of ICT in Education. At BU, I teach Computers and Technology for Educators and SY Math Methods.
I have worked with children on the Spectrum for 25 years. Over the past 2 years, I have used video-self modeling to engage over 200 students. Please check my LinedIn Profile page for more information and some video clips of my work. This work has lead to collaboration with LinkedIn members on 3 projects for autism .
My name is Christine Klumpers. I am from Beaver Dam, WI. I taught special education for 10 years and am currently working for CESA 6 as a program support teacher. I love learning about web tools for the classroom, behavior interventions, and anything interesting that could may help the teachers I support.



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