Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hello everyone! My name is Sarah Morrison and I am teaching at an independent secondary school in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. I teach vocal music grades 7 - 12 and work at an e-school where all classrooms are equipped with Smartboards and all students have tablet laptops. I am interesting in discussing/exploring the effective use of all technology in the music classroom including smartboard, ipods,recording to laptops (we use audacity and myMP3) and notation software (we use FINALE). Looking forward to idea sharing!
Hi everyone.

I am a teacher-librarian at a school Peterborough Ontario Canada who is interested in both technology and literacy.

I am working on 2 pilot projects at my school - Google Apps Education Edition and the use of portable netbook computer labs. I am looking to collaborate with other educators on ideas on how to create the 21st Century classroom.
Carpe diem
Hello! I am Jean Chute, a teacher in Vermont, interested in collaborative learning environments for both teachers and students. I hope to learn more about connecting teachers to peers in other geographical areas, sharing projects etc.
Hi Jean,

Glad to have your aboard. Do you use twitter?

Hi! My name is Chris Brandt, and I teach art to Prek, Kinder, 1st and 8th grade girls. Glad to be here!
I'm Zoe P. Midler, Librarian at a K-8 charter school in Colorado. Just completed my rookie year and moving in the fall to a brand new facility.

My background is in the business world as a CI analyst & software product manager. I swung a substantial grant that will allow me to create a technology oasis in the library, e.g., computers, SMART board, online databases, etc. I am very jazzed to finally get the chance to teach research strategy and be an information environment guide to both students and staff.

I am very happy to have found Classroom 2.0 and I am eager to learn and share with other members.
Hello! I'm returning to the classroom this fall after a brief stint as a writer/editor. I'll be teaching in Richmond, VA!
Scott King here in Barrow County GA (near Atlanta)...Spanish teacher, now at Central Offices as Interpreter & Translator (yes, there is a difference!), Migrant Education Specialist for the District, and Family Engaement-Latino/Hispanic for the District. An interesting, busy job. I also work hand-in-hand with our ESOL Coordinator. Originally from Jamestown, NC.
Dan Greenberg here...Social Studies teacher at Upper Dublin High School in suburban Philadelphia...I teach United States History and Government, I am the Site Coordinator for the Virtrual High School and am also a Tech Rep. I am always look for new ideas and new connections in education....Classroom 2.0 has helped me with both so far!
Hello everybody! I'm Evelyn and I'm a teacher from Austria. My "second" profession is student on the university of applied siences in Dornbirn. At the moment I write on my masterthesis: collaborative learning with web 2.0. I started a blog and a wiki for my class, but at the moment its not really good, I think. Hope I can find informations and collegues here!
Hello Evelyn,

Would you like to evaluate our web 2.0 software for management of your class (school). We are very interested in the Austrian education system. So far it looks that it is really very similar to Czech and Slovak one. Let me know if you are interested. Here is an example how it helps for czech teachers and students


I am Martin Trgina from Prague, Czech Republic. We are developing specialized web application that helps students, teachers, parents share and present student info, schedules, class portal, forums, calendars and much more very easy via web browser. It is possible to share selected data also with municipality bodies to eliminate administrative tasks for school.

Now we are looking for user response from various education systems in Europe and also K-12. If your class or school would be interested to use the Tahuti for free and tell us your opinion we would be more than happy.Take a look at Tahuti Demo and let us know at Tahuti User Community

So far we have response mainly from schools in Czech and Slovak republic as well as municipality bodies in this region.



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