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Hey folks, Blaine Transue here. From instruction to infrastructure I have been supporting education technology since 1985.
Hello everyone,

My name is Mike O'Hara. I am located in the Boston, Ma area. I was a former High School History and Math Teacher turned entrepreneur. The focus of my company is developing both communities and enterprise software (I know the two do not seem to mix, but we're trying to do things a bit differently). One of our focuses attempting to pull schools out of the 20th century, by working directly with teachers and staff in improving their computer domain knowledge. We stay year round at schools to create meaningful learning at no cost to schools.

Don't worry, I am not here to sell anything to anyone. In fact, I'm not even going to give you my website. What I am here for is meaningful discussion. I like to ask a lot of questions and I give my help where I see fit.

I look forward to talking with many of you.

Hi Mike,
I am a high school English teacher in rural Wisconsin. (lived in Wayland for a while growing up--love the east coast.) I am curious what your meaningful learning really means. I am implementing as many 21st century skills as I can in my classes, but find it difficult to blend the time required for reading of novels, etc. and using these skills. I would appreciate any ideas you have.
Hi, Robin, middle science teacher at an independent school in Rochester NY. Had the first internet connection in my school in the early 90's...been looking for good educational networking ever since. Feel it is up to schools to take kids below the superficial, play side of digital technology, but right now mostly they are running behind. Looking forward to being with some people out in front (or at least willing to struggle with me to get past the tail end).
Hello all! I am a middle school and high school biology teacher. In my endeavor to include inquiry-based learning, I stumbled upon web2.0 & fell in love. Only a year ago, I had no idea about twitter, blogging, wiking, google apps, embedding, widgets, social networking & bookmarking. Now, I'm not sure how to run a classroom without these tools. I am curious and love learning; this looks like an excellent place to continue my education. I look forward to exchanging ideas.

I am Mary Ann, a fine arts photographer and associate professor at Manhattanville College. Glad to be here:)
Hi, my name is Sheldon Huelin from St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada (out in the North Atlantic). I'm an Environmental Scientist teaching General Science at Memorial University of Newfoundland. I'm looking forward to learning many things in the Classroom 2.0.
Hello, I am John Paulett. I teach Senior British Literature at Fenwick High School in Oak Park Illinois. Glad to meet all of you.
Hey Everyone..I am Susan from Florida and I really am going to enjoy this site..Hope to say Hi to a few of you soon..

Have a wonderful day.

M Name is Rhonda Smith. I am currently working as a Juvenile Detntion Officer for Bexar County. In addition, I am a researcher, in the middle of a research project aimed to improve the educational outcomes of students. I am looking for ideas on how social networking (Classroom 2.0) would work in a treatment facility.
I think you might find interesting material on blogging as a therapeutic activity - sort of a branch that has been developing from bibliotherapy.
I am Deborah Duncan. A 37 year teacher from a small town in Mississippi. Most of my years have been in the science classroom. I mostly teach Chemistry, Physics, and occasionally biological science. I have been waiting for computers to take a major role in education since the Tandy TRS80's. I am surprised it has taken so long. LOL



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