Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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I'm Neal, a credential candidate (Biology) in the Bay Area. I heard about Classroom 2.0 while watching an Edutopia webinar on technology in the classroom, and decided to join the community. I am looking forward to learning from all of you and hopefully contributing as well.
My name is Suat. (淑珍). I am a Malaysian Chinese. I worked in Abu Dhabi Men's College for three yrs in our smart campus. Very exciting time in using various technologies esp. in our education without border conference.

Now, I am living in a very small community of 760 people, north of 64, Canada. Strong contrast to UAE situation.

Internet is a luxury here and as a community adult educator I am always looking forward to see how education + technologies move into new direction.

glad to be a member of this network.
Mollie McDougall, middle school Band and Orchestra teacher in Highland Park, IL. I am looking for ways to enhance my curriculum without taking away too much from the students' rehearsal time.
Hello Everyone!
I'm Leona White (currently an ITRT(Instructional Technology Resource Teacher In Alexandria, VA)...just for two more weeks, my position was cut due to budget contstraints) and I will be returning to the classroom (2nd grade teacher) this fall. I love technology and I hope to continue learning and facilitating workshops for teachers.
Greetings to all. My name is Nick Kapetanis, I am fortunate to be working at Academy at the Lakes, a small K-12 private learning community just outside of Tampa, Florida. This coming year it appears that I will be teaching technology skills to 2-8th graders. I'm always looking for better technology curriculum resources, if you have any suggestions, they would be most welcomed.

I'm looking forward to working with, and learning from, classroom2.0 members!

Best regards,

Nick K.
There have been several active discussions here on computer lab curriculum--do a search you might find some stuff to help. N.

Nick Wayne from Xerceo, Inc. in San Francisco. We are working on a LMS platform that blends traditional top-down learning with informal peer-to-peer learning, and focusing on the enterprise sector. I'm new to elearning and HR in general, so I'm here to poke around and get a feel for what's going on in the elearning community. Glad to be here!

Hello everybody! My name is Bubba Penas and I teach in Omaha, Nebraska. I teach marketing classes to grades 9-12. I am excited to learn so much from everyone and PLEASE, anyone at anytime please help me with all of this. It is very new to me!
Thank you,
Hi everyone,
My name is Glenda and I am a casual relief teacher working in K-6 classrooms on the mid north coast of NSW
Australia. I am currently doing a Masters of Education in Teacher Librarianship where I have been introduced to web 2.0 tools and their use in the classroom. I look forward to findng out more about these tools and how they are being used. At the moment the department of Education in NSW has very tight filtering of sites for use in schools and blocks sites used for blogs and wikis, however they are trialling their own versions for use in schools. Some schols have been able to have these sites unblocked but so far I have not come across any schools using these tools.
Hi Glenda,

I personally think that in Twenty First Century schools, the role of librarian is of the utmost importance. I'm excited for you. For, after all, if the role of the librarian is to help people find information, then Web 2.0 is a wonderful set of tools. Even if your state is currently filtering these tools, they'll likely be unfiltered in the near future.
Hello! I'm Amy and am a new student in a Teacher Licensure Program in Richmond, Va. I have been working with kids for 8 years now and am excited to get into the public education school system, hopefully third grade or lower.
Hi Amy,

Welcome to CR 2.0. What kind of work have you been doing with children/adolescents?



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