Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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I am an educator teaching full time in a high school and also as an adjunct professor teaching Biology for teachers. I love incorporating technology into my lesson plans. I believe that many students still think that computers are part of their entertainment venue.
I think that many educators are catching up with the technology and the skills that they need. I love sharing what I know and also learning from my colleagues new skills.

My name is Erin Davis. I am a part-time literacy/math teacher in North Carolina. I teach at a public charter school in Davidson, NC. I've just returned to teaching after almost 5 years as a stay-at-home-mom. I am also working on my MAEd in PK-12 Reading through UNK's program.
I'm curious about learning from everyone, specifically about a topic I am studying - Marzano's -
Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition.
I look forward to meeting people!
Hi, I am from Memphis, TN where I teach World History and African American History. My goal in joining this network is to "hook up" with amazing teachers who are doing AMAZING things. I only have one computer in my classroom and it is difficult to get into a computer lab in my school. Therefore, I'm looking for "alternative" ways to use technology in my classroom as well as differentiate instruction to make learning enjoyable as well as productive.
Miss A, Again welcome aboard. N
Hi everyone,

I'm teacher in primary school in Italy.
I'm very keen on using ICT in teaching. I started 3 years ago trying blog to promote English as foreign language. Now I'm involved in a project based on the IWB and open source software. I'm here to learn by sharing experiences. let me know !!!


Josh Damon aboard the classroom 2.0 train. Living and working in South Korea. looking to collaborate and gain new techniques on teaching English as a second language. Please feel free to contact me and let me and share thoughts, ideas, suggestions etc....
Hi, I'm Eileen Schroeder and I teach in the College of Education at the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater.
Hello. My name is Bente and I live in Norway. I work 50% as a natural science teacher in upper secondary school and 50% in teacher education.
I am interesting in how web 2.0. can be uesed in knowledge building where students can share and discuss natural science problems in a open network.
I am glad to be here to find out what kind of experiences you have wit web 2.0 in other coutries.
Hi, I'm Margaret Howard, a fourth grade teacher from Tennessee. My goal this summer has been to upgrade my internet skills--I think this may be the place. :)
I just wrapped up another year teaching 9th grade English, special education and co-taught sections for the Spring-Fod Area School District in a suburb of Philadephia, PA. My special education sections were learning support sections in which the students primarily had difficulties with reading comprehension or written expression. I also co-taught regular education sections, which are considered academic sections. (Our district just did away with "tracking" so our levels of academics are learning support, academic, honors, and gifted.) This year has been a huge year of changes in our district!

Prior to being in 9th grade, I worked at our local vocational school teaching special education English to 11th and 12th graders. Despite some issues with adminsitration, I'm glad to have had the experience in a vocational setting. I also co-taught in a first grade classroom where literacy was emphasized and also taught third grade. (I'm PA Certified in Elementary Education, Special Education, and English 7-12).

I received my first Master's Degree from Wilkes University in 21st Century Teaching and Learning. I am in the process of working towards a second master's from Wilkes in Instructional Media.

Outside of school I love to run, go to the beach, be outdoors, read, and relax with my friends. I have a 2-year old pitbull/bulldog puppy named Roxy who keeps me busy too!
My name is Denise Whiteman and this is my 25th year as the elementary librarian for Otto-Eldred, a small rural school district in NW PA. As part of my role, I instruct the students in introductory keyboarding skills and basic technology skills. I am presently my district OPC for Blended Schools. I use as many types of technology in my classes as I can, however budget and time are occasionally hindrances. I do not presently use Ning in my classes, partially because I am new to it. I am working on my master's in Instructional Media, which is how I find myself exposed to this interesting new format. On a side note, I also use my experiences volunteering at the Erie Zoo in as much of my educational endeavors as I can.
Hello people

I'm Steve Grigalunas, I teach 8th grade US History and serve as my school's Technology Integration Coordinator. I am at a charter school in Chicago and am a fanatic devotee of googledocs and all of google's other free online applications.



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