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My name is Paul Noah. Before I begin, let me say that this posting is NOT intended to be a marketing ploy on my part. I work for a non-profit Foundation in Ottawa, Canada. Our school district created the Foundation to market our the educational software (math, language arts and science for K-12) that has been developed by our teachers. I was hired to assist with the sales and marketing of our products. The Foundation over the last 18 years has focused on selling our products to schools, an obvious choice for sure. However, I believe that there is a need for parents to have a viable and affordable means to help their child who may need extra help or who may be struggling in school. This would provide a parent with another option. Not only would it help the child, but as our products are curriculum based, interactive and self guiding, the parent could also learn how their child is being taught and guide their child using the same strategies they use in class.

The feedback that I would like to receive is if you think that parents/home use is a sector that we should target? One thing I should also mention is that most products cover 2-3 years of curriculum and are priced at twenty-five dollars, providing great value at an affordable price. If you believe so, and have ideas on how to "get the word out", I'd be interested in hearing about that as well.

In order not to be self-serving (other than asking your opinion as I have), I will not mention the name of our product or our website. if you are interested you can reply to this and I will provide it to you. I hope I'm not violating the rules of this site, but I need an audience like this to pose my queries to. Thank you. Sincerely, Paul Noah.
I am a Drama teacher from Chino Valley Arizona. I have only been a teacher for two years (as a result of a mid-life crisis) and now I have been riffed. I will be reapplying for my job but I am worried about getting it back.
Hello everyone. Tabitha Long, Instructional Technology Coordinator in Lebanon, VA. That's in the very southwest most corner of the state near the TN line. If you know where Bristol Motor Speedway is located, Russell County is about 40 miles north. Great to be here!
My name is Tara Bowers and I work as a para-professional with Sped in a public school in South Dakota. I am currently taking online courses to receive my BS in Special Education. I have 4 boys ranging from 8-18 yrs and am a very busy mom.
Part of my studies is to get some input from Sped educators in order to achieve my goals and possibly learn some new things. So if there is anyone out there who would be interested in helping me out I would greatly appreciate it! :-)
Hi everyone, I'm a IT-coördinator at a secondary school in Belgium. I'm envolved in international projects with other European countries (Comenius, eTwinning and some projects from European Schoolnet like Melt and Calibrate). A lot of knowledge and experience I can find here on this website. My website ( could use some visitors. Hope to hear from you soon. Robert
I'm a high schoool graphic design and animation teacher in Northwest Pennsylvania. I belong to a few other nings, my favorite being Art Ed 2.0 started by Craig Roland. I hope to learn more and contribute to the forum/discussions.
wow sounds like a pretty sophisticated school
Hello all. I am Greg Schwanke and this next year will be my 3rd year in the teaching profession. I teach in Omaha, Nebraska and I am switching content areas. I began teaching 7th grade English and this year I will be teaching 6th and 7th computer appications and 8th grade web development, graphic design, and desktop publishing. As you can see I am going to have my hands full. I am also currently getting my masters in instructional technology. With that degree I either want to continue teaching, help with the implementation of technology in schools, or become a technology consultant for schools and/or businesses.

I am looking to collaborate with all of you and hopefully swap ideas, tricks, and discussions.
Hello, Gerry Wartenberg, high school teacher in Arkansas.
Hello everyone! I'm Mariah, from Texas, and just finished my fourth year of teaching and my fourth year of teaching first grade! In the fall I will be the technology teacher on my campus and will be teaching K-4 in the lab (among many other responsibilities)! This week I attended a Web 2.0/Cloudware training provided by my district and am hooked! Oh, I'm also starting my master's program in 2 weeks. Talk about staying busy over the summer!
My name is Mary Kuterbach and I teach general music K-8 at a Catholic school in Dallas, Texas. I have been teaching for 27 years with experience in both public and private systems. I am certified instrumental and vocal but have been in a general music setting since moving to Texas from Pennsylvania. I love technology and the vast amount of resources available. I am working on my Masters degree in Instructional Media from Wilkes University online (isn't that appropriate?).

My motivation for my degree is to help teach other teachers how to integrate technology in their own classrooms. I believe that there are simple, user friendly ways to get educators who are hesitant to take those first steps to bring the world closer to their students and take their students to the world.
What does general music include...classes like music and society, history of rock music? Technology can also be used to integrate music in the content areas.



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