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Johnathan- yes and yes and yes. All of those things can be included in what might be called general music. Depending on the curriculum and grade level of the students I can pretty much study the elements of music any way I want to. I have the luxury of a flexible curriculum.
Hi Mary,

I am teaching a course this summer called science and technology. It seems to me that many higher institutions have been slow in their pedagogy to support this kind of instructional approach. I have this opportunity this summer to begin to fill the gap. I already begun to use resources provided by this group to support and plan my strategies.
I think that you will find the same opportunities.
Good Luck,
My name is Tammi Price. I am a second grade teacher who is interested in how to use technology in the primary classroom. I have an InterWrite board, and I am only just beginning to explore that. I am hoping to learn a lot here!
My name is Breanne, and I teach at D.H.H. Lengel Middle School in Pottsville, PA. I graduated from Shippensburg University in May ‘07 with a B.A. in English. I received a teaching job in the same school that I attended not too long ago. I work with many of the same teachers that taught me, which is an interesting situation. I feel that even though I am a new teacher, I am able to help the “veteran” teachers because I am more experienced with computers. I think that technology in the classroom is very important, and is a tool that should be used as much as possible. I was one of the few teachers that received a “SmartBoard” this past year, and have been finding ways to use it daily. I want to find new and exciting ways to have the students be more hands-on in my English classroom. I am currently enrolled in the Instructional Media program at Wilkes University to reach these goals.
Hi everyone, I am Akash
Hello Everyone! My name is Ed Hostetler and I teach first grade at Selinsgrove Elementary in central PA. I've learned a lot about Web 2.0 the last 2 months and I am currently taking a course on it through Wilkes University. I'm excited about the capabilities it gives us as teachers and to the students as well. Hope to share and learn even more here!
Hi! My name is Brenda Buckner and I currently teach 2nd grade at a public school in Texas. I have lived in Texas all my life and graduated from Lamar University in 1998. I have been teaching a total of eleven years. I have taught 4th, 1st, and 2nd grades. While I am not teaching, I am a wife and a mother of a teenage son. I also enjoy doing yard work, swimming in my pool, watching soap operas, and playing with my dog, Angel.
I have always had an interest in technology and tried to find many ways to incorporate it into my classroom. I am now taking online courses through Wilkes University in Pennsylvania to get a master’s in Instructional Media. In this learning journey, I have been enlightened with numerous ways to enhance my curriculum. I am new to Ning but look forward to learning from this social network.
Hi Brenda, I think you are exactly where I was about 3 yrs ago or so. I too first gathered like 10 years teaching ESL in Hispanic countries and then went for a MET online. I really enjoyed it and got the theoretical support for my project based learning strategies and technology incorporation that I was so enthusiastic about.
My unsolicited advice here is to try all the different possibilities and stick to the ones that really work for you and your students.
Hi all,

My name is Cynthia Brown and I am a high school Social Studies teacher from Delaware County, PA. I graduated from Penn State University last May and just completed my first year of teaching. Next year I will be working at my former high school, and I am really excited about the opportunity to work with some of those people who taught me and encouraged me to become a teacher. I am currently pursing a Masters in Instructional Media through Wilkes University, and look forward to using Ning for educational purposes in the future.
Hi everyone! I'm Chris Fritz, a brand new student teacher in East Lansing, Michigan, USA. I teach German, Computer Science (and soon Spanish). I still have A LOT to learn, but I'm trying to do what I can to learn it. I've already learned a lot from this community (following the blogs) and I hope to make a contributions myself in the future!
Willkommen, Chris! Ich unterrichte auch Deutsch, aber nur Deutsch. Ich bin Ihre Nachbarin im Süden. Ich wohne in Indiana. Julie

My name is Shannon Kistler. I am a Computer Literacy teacher at Northwestern Lehigh Middle School in the Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania. I am here to learn a little bit more about how to effectively use Computers with my students and my teachers.



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