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Hi to all
What a fantastic have I missed it for so long?! I'm Brenda Mooney and I work for Liverpool City Council as a School Improvement Officer dor ICT, prior to this I was a VLE consultant, ICT Consultant and Faculty Leader in a large secondary school.(All in the last 12 years) I had a previous life before education in Media (TV researcher).
I've only been in my current (and fantastic) job for 6 months and this is the very first opportunity for so very long to have a freehand in creating, instigating and supporting schools in the use of emerging quiet new-ish to this freedom and would appreciate any pointers, case studies on HANDHELD TECH projects, E-Safety resources and of course web 2.0 resources. Many thanks and I really look forward to working and collaborating with you. Bx
Hi, my name is Emily Petrosky and I teach Kindergarten at Coronado Elementary in Salina, KS. This is will be my second year teaching and I just joined Web 2.0. I am taking a class that introduced me to web 2.0 and I am excited to get started with some of the things I have learned and do some more collaboration with other teachers!
Hello! Im MaryPat from Kansas! I am a special educator of young children. I am currently completing my MAED program this summer by taking a class about enhancing technology in the classroom... looking forward to learning more!
Hello everyone - I'm Sam Walker - an educator from NC. I was previously the Tech Facilitator at Bolton Elementary, but am moving to help open the newly constructed Kimmel Farm Elementary - a new building with lots of tech advantages. I'm hoping my membership to Classroom 2.0 will help me bring added insight into helping Kimmel Farm become a connected and progressive school using all of its resources to their fullest extent.
Hello everyone! My name is Beth Mitchell. I teach sixth grade in Pennsylvania. I am looking forward to learning a lot from all of you!
Hi! I am Kylee Comeau and am a 1st grade teacher in Salina, Kansas. This is my 5th year of teaching, having taught at risk reading, 2nd grade, and title 1 reading and math. Looking forward to being in the same job 2 years in a row this year!! I am currently working on my masters degree through Baker University and joined Classroom 2.0 as a part of a unit for our technology class. I had no idea there were resources like this out there!! I'm learning so much!! I am new to Ning and all this new vocabulary is making my head spin!! Here's to an afternoon of exploration on Classroom 2.0!
Hello! I teach 12th grade English, including Humanities, British literature, and a course in 20th century British and American novels and plays. I'm interested in sharing lessons and approaches for the classroom.
Hi there! I'm Vanessa Maffia and I am a tech coordinator at a private school in Menlo Park, CA. Looking forward to some great discussions and inspiration!
Vanessa here. I'm starting my fourth year teaching English at a 1:1 at-risk high school north of Houston. We have a small school, usually a little under 200 students who all have laptops that they can take home with them.

I'm one course away from my M.Ed. in Admininstration, but I'm really not looking to leave the classroom anytime soon. I just wanted to earn my degree before my husband and I started a family. We just got married this summer in Dunnottar Castle on the coast of Scotland. He's Scottish, so it was the perfect excuse to have the wedding over there. I'm not planning on leaving the US anytime soon, either.

Glad to be here!
Hello! My name is Tiffany. I am a third grade teacher. I am starting my 3rd year of teaching! I love having the summer to relax and get new ideas for the following school year. I am currently taking a technology class for education, which leads me to my new classroom 2.0 account. I am very excited to use this site to broader my knowledge of the internet and get ideas from other teachers!
Hi Libby Harding here, Kindergarten teacher from Salina Kansas just getting familiar with classroom 2.0. Trying to think outside the box for the youngest learners.
Hi! My name is Jayme Peterson and I teach kindergarten in Salina, KS. This will by my fourth year. I am working on my masters degree through Baker University and was introduced to Classroom 2.0 through one of my classes. I am amazed at all of the valuable information and resources out there!



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