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Hello to all. Marilyn Caldwell Wescott from Harrisburg, PA. I am a former elementary teacher and staff developer originally from Clearwater, FL - Pinellas Co. Schools. For the past 15 years I've been designing and delivering professional development in the area of continuous school/classroom improvement as a member of the Jim Shipley & Associates, Inc. team. A client (HEB ISD, TX) recently introduced me to the infinite possibilities for collaborative, participatory, engaged learning via Web 2.0 tools. I''m so excited to learn (1) what Web 2.0 tools are out there; (2) how these tools can help my JSA team of educational consultants and deliverers of professional development work more collaboratively AND efficiently/effectively; and (3) how these tools can and are being used by the educators we work with to continually improve the school and classroom learning system
My name is Marie Doherty. I live in Co Donegal in Ireland. As a teacher I have been working with parents in my area for the last 10 years as the home school liason person but in Sept I am going back to teaching. I will be teaching 5th/6th class. The children are 11 and 12 year olds so I think it is like grade 6/grade 7. I am looking forward to going back to the classroom although I am a little nervous. I am looking forward to being part of this community.
Greetings All! Janet Kauffmann from Gloucester City, NJ - right across the river from Philadelphia, so we are in the southern part of the state. I'm the Director of Technology and we are committed to moving our teachers into 2.0 environments and making the most of the open source opportunities out there. I really want to hear what teachers all over the place are saying about what works and what doesn't work in their classrooms.
Hello all. Anthony Vestyck teacher, designer of "EPEE Software for Teachers" and president of ED-MAN LLC Software. Nice to be here and if I can be of any assistance with your curriculum development or classroom management goals, please do not hesitate to contact me. Plains, Pennsylvania, USA
Hiya, I'm Valerie Hernandez. I live in Brooklyn, New York, work in Manhattan, was born in Belize, C.A. and attended secondary school in Silicon Valley. I'm in my second year of teaching at Henry Street School for International Studies. Prior to teaching, I was a graphic designer and web producer for The Wall Street Journal, Major League Baseball, and The Economist magazine. These were all great jobs, but nothing, and I mean, nothing, beats my current vocation. My students, and co-workers are the most awesome individuals.
Hi all - I'm Chris Walker from Christchurch, New Zealand. I'm a teacher of History, Classical Studies (Ancient Greece and Rome) and Social Studies to Year 9-13s (US Grades 8-12). I'm very keen on utilising Web 2.0 for teaching and learning - there's some exciting stuff going on. I'm loving trying things out with my classes and watching them get into it. And online communities like this are a great source of new ideas. Thanks to all who have worked on getting this happening.
Hi, everyone! My name is Heather Kaiser. I am so excited to be joining Classroom 2.0! I have been teaching for 11 years and although I my master's degree is in Educational Technology I'm constantly learning something new because it changes so fast. I'm currently teaching in a science lab and facilitate technology integration at an urban school near Fort Bragg. We have access to loads of technology which is such a great privilege for our students. I'm looking forward to collaborating with others here.
Hello from Scottsdale, AZ. I am a 7th and 8th grade science teacher and finishing up my doctorate in Leadership and Innovation at ASU. My Action Research is on the effects of narrative movie making on 21st century learning skills and science content in the middle school. Looking to be inspired by others.
Hi Robert and welcome to classroom2.0 This community is a great on to learn with. I use web2.0 to learn and teach across countries and classes, so I use skype, elluminate and discoverE, all of which you might be interested in for your business executives. I suggest you also join htp:// as this is a site similar to this but using elluminate for virtual classroom work.
Hi! I'm Gautham More. A Banker turned Education Technologist, am passionate about impacting the education system and making learning fun. During my banking tenure, conducted experiments using technology in learning with students in rural India. Moved on to the corporate world with NIIT where I got an opportunity to usher in computer education to lakhs of students in rural schools. Have also spent good time with premier schools of the country in integrating technology into everyday teaching/learning. Currently heading the technology function in School Learning Solutions of NIIT, exploring the play of new technologies in effective learning/teaching. Hope to learn and collaborate with like-minded people exploring ICT in education. :)
Rick Papera, elementary principal, Long Valley, NJ. Anyone looking for teachers to do collaborative projects drop me a note, I have plenty and they are always looking for something new.
Hi Everyone. I'm Tony Baldwin and I'm pleased to be here in Classroom 2.0. I work in a rural Saskatchewan school division as a Superintendent of Education with a variety of responsibilities including technology. I am particularly interested in models of integration of technology and distance learning solutions. I'm looking forward to learning with and from you.



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