Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hi everybody. My name is Deb German. I'm from Washingtton, MO. I'm a first year librarian at Clark-Vitt Elementary in Union, MO.
hello, friends.I'm cherry from us, nice to join you.

My name is Jon Freer and I teach science and math in a private school. My students range in grade form 7th to 12th. I am just starting out in the web 2.0 world and am taking part in an 8 month program called Powerful Learning Practices (PLP) as a guide to learning the uses of the technology and the implications for learning.

At this point, I am especially interested in establishing systems of communication between teachers, administrators and students through web 2.0 technologies. Looking forward to getting to know you all.

Hi Jane Curry,from Melbourne Australia. Currently involved in teaching adult migrants and do a lot of admin stuff for enrolling newly arrived refugees from (mostly) Burma (& other nationalities) in our English program. I am involved in learning new technologies for developing teaching resources on line or in blackboard (webCT), and teaching students English. Great to meet you all & have new friends to collaborate with. Hi all!
Hola nuev@s amig@s. I'm originally from outside of Toronto but now consider Colombia home. I've taught for the better part of 24 years, mostly SCIENCE but a sprinkling of other things as well. I am presently not in a main stream classroom and am attempting to teach an old dog new tricks, before returning to the classroom in August 2010. It is a slightly artificial, voyeuristic way to learn about TECHNOLOGY since I am not actually using much of what I am learning, but hopefully it will get me somewhat ready for when I will be using it. I am presently in South Korea rediscovering the world through the eyes of my 18 month old granddaughter and teaching ESL.
Hi, I'm Becky Foellmer. I teach Computer Education at Lakeview Jr. High in Downers Grove, IL. I am interested in expanding my PLN and have enjoyed a renaissance, so-to-speak, as a result of Twitter. What an awesome professional development tool! The more outstanding educators I follow, the more "turned on" I am to the newest, coolest, tools of the trade. I'm loving it. It is, particularly, enjoyable to interact with others who share my passion for teaching. If you'd like to follow me, I'm foes4sports on Twitter.
Hello Everyone!
I am a biology teacher looking to collaborate with other science teachers. I am currently taking a course that explores the many useful tools on the web for educators. Classroom 2.0 looks to be a great place for me to expand my network and resources.
Andrea, I am also looking to build collaborative projects for my Biology class. It might be good to discuss some ideas.

There is a Ning called The Synapse that is dedicated to Biology Teachers - you should check it out.
Hello! I am a high school Gov/ AP Gov teacherin San Antonio, Texas. I am just getting into Web 2.0 and am looking for applications that lend themselves for use in a traditional one-student-computer classroom, and to the Moodle classroom.
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Hi guys!!! Its nice to be here..I'm a teacher also in a Theological school and i see your site will be helpful to me through the information you are posting and the same time I'm a entrepreneur that promote environment awareness and conservation.Hope to learn more about you guys...



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