Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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El Dorado, huh? I interviewed for a job a few years back in Eureka. BTW, if you haven't eaten at Oklahoma Boy's BBQ I'd recommend it. The owner is a good friend of mine.
Yes, I have ate there and it is good. In fact, I have even used them for one of our advisory board meetings. You're right, great food.
Next time you go, drop my name (it's pronounced EYE-tzen) and see if they give you a discount. They probably won't, but it's worth a try, lol.

I am a first-year teacher in New Jersey. I am certified in Social Studies, but actually teach two history classes and four computer classes. I'm still finding my way around the computer / technology courses and welcome any suggestions you may have. Hope to chat with some of you soon!
Iam Saba Khan from Central India Bhopal(m.p.)

Iam a PYP teacher and am working with students (7-9 yrs)

I have computers as my educational background so i love to use IT in my classroom and am amazed how students react so zealously towards it.
hope to learn a lot more in diverse areas

Nce to be among you all !!
Hi all,
I'm a tech integrator teaching in Singapore looking for people to share ideas with.
Twitter: k_ferrell
Hope to hear from you.
Hi everyone, Katie Brosious from Lawrence, KS here! Originally from Keller, TX but found my way to the University of Kansas for college and have yet to leave! I work for a company called AllofE Solutions that specializes in creating software solutions for education while I am getting my Master's degree at KU. Looking forward to gathering and sharing information with some tech-savvy teachers!
Welcome Katie, welcome to the classroom 2.0. I live in El Dorado, Kansas, but I moved here from Tyler Texas. I have a cousin that likes in Keller, Texas.....small world.
My name is Gerard Frederick and I am a second year student in the University of Trinidad and Tobago's Bachelor of Education Program studying Special Needs Education.
Hi there!
My name is César Vergara and am from Guayaquil, Ecuador. I am currently studying in order to get a certification that will enable me to teach online classes. I was seeking websites with info and resources related to this and found this one, which I must say is great! I hope I can make some friends here, as I could use some advise and share experiences. I got the feeling my studies are going to become a lot easier thanks to C 2.0 :-D
Hi everyone,

I'm Paul and I teach ICT and maths to secondary students at a special school in North Yorkshire, UK.

I've been teaching for 15 years and have been reading blogs and following lots of UK teachers on Twitter for several months now. I have been impressed by everyone's willingness to share and their enthusiasm for using web technologies in school.

My developing PLN has pointed me in the direction of lots of new resources, some of which I have been able to use straight away as IWB resources, others which I think need a bit more investigation and trialling.

I really feel that I have learned about more new resources over the past few months than I could have in any number of courses I'd taken in the same time. Also, by following others and reading about their experiences, I have learned how to research and evaluate new resources for myself as time goes on.

I'm hoping to learn more by joining this community and look forward to sharing ideas and experiences with some of you in the future.

Best wishes for 2010.

My name is Víctor Manuel Martínez Orta Vivero,Manuel for my friends. I live in Toluca, near of México city. I´m a lawyer with a master degree in Counseling and Huann Development. I´ve estudied PNL and Philosophy too.
My true passion is teaching. Since 1984 i´m teaching in the "Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey", one of the most important private universities in México.
Nowi´m interested in Tics and their application in education.
I hope to learn and share many things with you.



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