Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hi, I'm Darrell Graham, a middle school PE and health teacher in Loris, SC. We are a small town about 30-45 minutes away from Myrtle Beach
I currently teach 10th and 11th Grade English in a suburban Philadelphia school district. I've grown up in PA, but have spent many summers abroad. Right now I'm finishing up my Master's in Global and International Education from Drexel University. I also serve as the Director of Educational Development for Swaziland Relief - an NGO serving the orphans of Swaziland ( Recently, I started my own education business/resource blog - check it out at I want to expand my PLN as much as possible!
Hello and Happy New Year! George Bradford here, signing in from Orlando Florida.

I work at the University of Central Florida where I have two roles. I am a doctoral candidate conducting research on cognitive load in online courses, and I support university faculty who will learn to teach online courses. Another colleague of mine and I teach faculty how Web2.0 technologies can be integrated to form communities for specific learning projects or to discover existing communities to join and engage in dialog. I look forward to hearing more about what other Ning users are doing!

Cognitive load online...what a great topic to discuss in this forum. As a CC online instructor I have yet to master the skill of judging how challenging a digital task will be to the novice online adult learner who is returning to college after many years of non-computerized career experience. Cognitive load relates to the academic debate of teaching process skills vs content, and using graphic organizers and non-text learning tools to chunk knowledge into digestable bits. I'd love to learn your research findings of any of these topics.

But here are two immediate questions:

1) how can I estimate the time-on-task requirements of a non-text task in a digital context? What criteria do I consider in that estimation?

2) What time differential should be factored in when the assignment is made collaborative? Are teams of two more efficient than teams of 4? Is collaboration worth the extra time needed for the assignment at the expense of more content coverage? How do I make that determination?

Welcome George and I hope I haven't opened Pandora's box.

Hello Jenny
Thank you for opening Pandora's Box, the questions that you present are the same ones that I have been asking myself for sometime now. I teach fashion design in high school and when assigning projects especially technologically based ones I am always asking the 'What If' question.

Students today approach learning differently since Web 2.0 so Pandora's Box should be opened so that we can let out the last item left (HOPE). Some of us (Digital Immigrants) need loads of HOPE to fully understand how the learning Digital Natives take place.

Hope fully someone has answers to your questions so that I can also learn.

Hi all. I'm American, from NJ, but live in France. I created a language school here in 1976, and since it is still running pretty well, I am still here, living in a little fishing village near Marseille. The school is north of home in a town called Istres.
In 1992 I began the Real English® project. This has become my true passion as I approach retirement.
My name is Annette Hawkins, and I chair a Math Department at a community college in North Carolina. I joined this forum:

1. fto ind out what minimum technology competencies should the department obtain
2. to stay abreast of current technology
3. to stay abreast of training, seminars, webinars, and conferences
4. to connect with other instructors

Thanks for letting me join.

Hello! I'm Jennifer Blizman from Pittsburgh, PA. I teach math and science to the advanced learners at my virtual charter school. I look forward to learning from everyone here.

My name is Yuval Spector. I'm an active parent and coach at Stanford, CA. I'm the founder of UpToUs (, an online solution that brings parents and educators together to organize their classrooms, sports teams and other extra-curricular activities. Happy to be here.

Hello. My name is Shana Opdenberg and I teach Educational Technology in the Little Falls, NJ Public Schools (grades 3-8).
Thank you for creating this forum. I've already gotten great information from people in discussions.
I am Cassy Holzhauer in Phoenix Arizona. I am the director of IT services, on the mac side, at an all girls Catholic school (my alma mater). My focus in college was on communications and I have my minor in english education. I also help lead youth ministry/religious education for teens at my church. Right now my big project at work is implementing an iPod touch program - we were able to get 13 iPod touches in the hands of our teachers and we'll go from there.
Hi everyone
I'm Perez.I'm a student .I was born and live in New York.And i hope to find here very useful information for me)



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