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Hi all. I'm Angie Brennan and I teach 7 grade Life Science and 8th grade Earth Science in Pennsylvania, PA, USA at a private Catholic school. I also teach 8th grade Church History as a religion teacher. Interesting mix religion and science, it actually works vey well for me. There is a lot of interesting crossover.

I've been teaching for 6 years and love my school and going to work each day. I entered teaching through the back door, I actually have a background in social work. My husband and I have 2 children, both freshman in college, both adopted from Honduras, CA as infants. I am a Villanova University alum and a big VU basketball fan. What a year to cheer for Nova Nation!

I'm looking for great interactive smartboard tools to use and am overwhelmed by the possibilities out there. Most of what I am seeing are for K-6 or high school. I spend hours searching. What is a teacher to do?

This April my students will host our schools 4th Annual Climate Change Conference. We invite other schools to have their 8th grade students take part in a (school) year long environtmental project. Students join us in April to share what they have done including research and/or school and community wide projects. We have had approximately 100 eighth grade students together each year. My greatest victory - the kids are really interested in what each of the others schools has done. They are very respectful of each other during presentations, ask interesting questions of each other and of guest speakers we have present to the group.
Hi Angela,
The smart exchange at should be very helpful to you. This is where I grab all sorts of smartboard resources from. I also like this district's website: Another website I use to help train teachers on creating their own smartboard lessons is: Hope this helps and good luck!
Hey guys!!! My name is Kristen from New Kent, Virginia. I am currently an undergraduate at the College of William and Mary and I am a future teacher to be.
Hi my name is Jeffrey Gibson and I am a student from the College of William and Mary. I majoring in psychology and education. And i cant wait to graduate.
Hi! My name is Laurie Reece and I'm from Cincinnati, OH. I am currently a graduate student at Xavier University seeking my Early Childhood license as well as my Masters. While going to school, I am working as an IEP aide for a 6th grade boy. I'm looking forward to learning new and interesting things on here!
Hi, I'm Aline Tabet. I am a sophomore at Xavier University, early childhood special education major. I joined as a part of my instructional technology class.
Hi, my name is Alex Drexelius and I am majoring is Special Education at Xavier University. I hope to graduate in 2012 and start teaching Special Ed in an elementary school close to my home in Cincinnati, Ohio. I love this major and I am so glad I picked it.
Hi Everyone, I am Melissa Worbis from Middletown, Ohio This is near Cincinnati, Ohio and it is very snowy here. I am currently studying for a Master of Education in Early Childhood Education w/ a licensure. I have worked in a day care center during my college studies in different educational studies for the past 11 years off and on and now have come to realized I should have joined the teaching profession from the very beginning of my college experience. Excited to join this networking group to build my knowledge and connection with other teachers to get advice and ideas in teaching. .
Hi everyone. My name is Christina and I am a graduate student working on my ceritfication for middle school mathematics. I am currently enrolled in a class on the integrated curriculum and how we can use technology to enhance our classrooms. I am reasearching different social networking sites that can either be applied to a classroom or help my own professional needs. I am excited to see and learn more about classroom 2.0 as I explore...if anyone has any recommendations please let me know
Have a great day!
Hi Christina!
Have you checked out the Smart Revolution Ning? That's another social network. If you have a blog, you may also want to check out the One Comment A Day Ning.

My name is Laura Malbogat and I am an international educational consultant who is presently working with a new school opening next year, called Think Global. This will be an international mobile non profit school and I am the luckiest person who gets to develop the curriculum. Innovative, forward thinking, collaborative and just plain amazing. I am integrating differentiated instruction as part of the curriculum and experiential learning. So why is this school so special? we have 15 students coming from around the world, our faculty are also international and we will be living in three different countries each year, starting with Grade 9. Next year we begin in Stockholm, then Sydney and end our first year in Bejiing. We are working with educators around the globe. What I am presently doing is going to Stockholm to study the various experiential opportunities so i can integrate them as part of the curriculum. If anyone has some interesting ideas / websites / contacts to share, please let me know. You can also follow me on twitter and I have a blog.
hi I am Maria Fernandda, Englis and french teacher now living in spain. Happy to share this experience with you all



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