Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hello, all! Sharon West, Educational Consultant, and, at the moment, Instructional Facilitator in Summit, NJ. Looking forward to sharing ideas and collaborating here!
Hey everyone. I am the Coordinator of Teacher Programs at MoMA. Looking forward to connecting with the community and sharing information and resources. We had a great workshop here last week in collaboration with Art21 that focused on Contemporary Art. There were local, national and international teachers in attendance which allowed for a great conversations and sharing of ideas. When I am not teaching about art, I can be found cycling and luckily the weather here in NYC is getting better!
Hello all. I am Kamisah from Singapore. Heard about classroom 2.0 at a recent ICT conference. I teach English to 16 year-olds. Really happy to be here. :-)

I'm glad to stay in this site...

I'm a system developer and at the same time I teach this techniques to other peoples in my city. Actually I'm working in "techniques to increase programming level's using videogames" Java, C++ and .NET plataforms...I want to colaborate with other people to share experiences...

My city: Holguín
My country: Cuba

PD: Sorry about my English...
Hello, I'm Gillian Ryan from San Diego, CA. I teach at the PRIDE Academy at Prospect Avenue School. This year I have 5th graders. This is our first year with a school- wide PBL focus. I look forward to connecting and bouncing ideas around.
Hi everyone. My name is Zhan Yi, a postgraduate student East China Normal University, major in learning sciences. I learned how to teach computer at undergraduate level and have taught computer in a junior high school as a student for two months. My research interest is technology integration and teachers' knowledge of it. Glad to be here!
Hello everyone,
Sakou Locke here, from Carbondale, IL! Im finishing up grad school currently and im doing research on male teachers under my discussion section male teacher questionnaire. If you have the time please take a look, alot a good information will hopefully come out of this and I cant wait to post the results!
Hi every one
My name is Omaya zamel
I am a founder of a private school in Amman Jordan, holding MA in education from UMASS, married with three children. I started running the school in 1988 by offering our National Jordanian Program and continued developing and expanding in facilities and programs as well. Our school now is accommodating more than 1000 students with an international student body. .
Hi. My name is Caronne. I am the Teacher-Librarian at an independent Prek-8th grade Friends school. I also do tech-support for the school. I am interested in learning about tools that connect people around the world and help our students to express themselves in new and creative ways.
Hello~ My name is Nicole LaRochelle. I teach for the Arizona Virtual Academy, a K-12 school. I just started my Masters in Instructional Media. As a part of that program, I am learning about new ways to 'network' as a professional. I am hoping to gain ideas and to contribute where I can. My current position is in our middle school. A unique thing about our school is that we are a home-based public school. In most cases, students are taught by their parent(s) with the support of a certified teacher (me). It's really been an interesting experience. I look forward to seeing how this network can enhance what I do.
Bob Kachurek here, from Cleveland, Ohio USA. I've been a science educator for 31 years - most of that time teaching middle school students. My current grade level, 6th (11-12 yr. olds), is in the middle of the first year of a 1:1 tablet PC program. I am experiencing one of the most stimulating years of teaching I have ever had. Since every student has a computer that they can take home and our school has wireless connectivity, my teaching and learning ideas are only limited by what I can dream up. So I am open to any techniques that will supercharge learnng. I am now longing to take one particular next step, venturing into global learning. Maybe running science experiments here that a distant school is also running, then sharing data and analzing resuts. Maybe partnering with schools worldwide to share cultural and scientific information on a regular basis -- I'm not quite sure yet, but I am willing to try almost anything. My large teaching units are Atmosphere and Weather (Sep-Dec.), Magnetism and Electricity (Jan.-Mar.), and Human Biology (Apr.-June).
Hello everyone,

My name is Andy Wenger I'm the lead programmer for an indie educational game company. I live in Switzerland and work with two good friends that both live in California. You got to love video chat! My reason for joining classroom 2.0 is to get input from educators on how to improve software tools for the classroom. What are the requirements for a useful and truly educational game? In other words what features do you believe would benefit the students and what is it that would make your life easier as teachers? I believe the way to create good educational software is to involve the students and educators as much as possible into the development process.

I'm looking forward to learning from your valuable insights and to sharing information. Thanks for having me!



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