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Hi or Merhaba
My name is Sevil. I'm from Turkey. I'm a preschool teacher in istanbul. I work with 4 year olds. I'm using tecnology in my classmaking some presantations and I wonder what can also do. Also I have a new class blog. It is Turkish but you can watch our videos and can get an idea about what we do here.
Hi...My name is Matt Offenbecker. I am located in Bay City, Michigan, USA, and I currently teach technology in a high school of about 1400. One of my collegues introduced me to this website and I thought it would be a great place to get ideas and I also enjoy contributing to the advancement of technology.

I'm a huge Detroit Tigers fan...Spring Training is one of my favorite times of the year. My fingers are crossed and I'm hoping for a good season. Beyond that, I enjoy lazy man sports such as bowling, golf, and downhill skiing (I have to preface skiing with "downhill" in order for it to qualify as a lazy man sport. Cross country skiing is certainly not for the lazy!)

My wife and I have two great kids that refuse to sleep at night, but are wonderful anyhow! Our son is three and half. Just recently, he made friends with the potty, so we're thrilled about that. Our daughter is almost one and is just starting to walk. Dangerous.
Been there done that with the kids. I use to say that it's the best time when they are that little. But, I am enjoying my children as they come of their own. One is going to go to high school next year and the other starts junior high.
I am a big Eagle's fan. My son, Ben, is a Steeler's fan. It's okay NFC vs. AFC. It would be tough if they were both in the superbowl together. But I enjoy the Steelers too.
Do you teach storybooking with Movie Maker?
So much technology so little time. Does the IU Intermediate Unit in your area offer courses? If so then you should check and see if they are offering one on Smartboards. I learned a ton of things at my IU.
Greetings from the Poconos! I am a 7th grade reading specialist in northeastern PA. I am currently enrolled in my 8th course for Educational Media at Wilkes University. Prior to this course, I had never even heard of Ning; or if I did, I didn't know what it was!
Yeah, these name while catchy are weird. But, social networking is the wave of the NOW. To be a good teacher we should keep up with the technology.

My name is Lana Elias and I am an e-teacher with Credenda Virtual High School, in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan Canada. This Ning is HUGE! I'm very impressed and look forward to learning.
Hi all! This is one of my first Ning experiences. I'm Amy Stever and currently teach 8th grade math. I'm from Red Hill, PA.
Hey all,
I'm Mellie Dalton. I teach 7th grade Spanish. I love the technology and look forward to learning more. I am located in Rowlett, TX.
I am a math teacher at a high school in central PA. I teach an Integrated Math for juniors and seniors and a standards class for seniors who didn't pass the PSSA (PA's standard assessment). I'm thinking of moving to Florida this summer but a little scared about the new bill that just passed the state senate.
My name is Cathy Jones and this is my 7th year of teaching. I stumbled upon this site due to an assignment I had with one of my online courses I am taking to earn a Masters degree. I had no idea there was this much collaboration going on about educatoin! I love this site and everything it has to offer. I look forward to expanding my horizons and using this network for all it's worth.
My name is Ginny and I'm currently working on a Ph.D. in Instructional Technology. I joined this group as a part of one of the classes I'm taking this semester, but have been a fan of Classroom 2.0 for years. I also teach undergraduate courses to pre-service teachers and use this site when sharing information about online communities to get involved in once they are in the classroom.

I look forward to following the discussions on this site and keeping up with the latest and greatest when it come to 2.0 technologies!



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