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Hi All,

A college english professor here - also working in Instructional Design area and would love to hear from anyone in higher ed - it seems Secondary/Elementary educators are leaders in technology in the classroom - all ideas of what works in higher ed would be appreciated.

Hi Linda,

I was a replacement professor at a University in Belem (UFPA) at English course. Unfortunately, I'm not working at this area anymore but I'm studying Instructional Design and I guess we can share some ideas. right?
Hello, my name is Brooke Clark.
I am a fourth year education students studying at the university of ballarat.
Myself and three other girls are developing a booklet for teachers for one of our subjects at uni. We have named it "Going that extra Mile: How to incorporate ICT into your classroom'. We have started a wiki if you would like to check it out and give us your thoughts and ideas.It is
Any feedback would be much appreciated!
Thank you : )
Hello!! My name is Lee Sun-bi in Korea. I'm from south Korea.
And I am not a teacher yet. But I go to graduate school of Education to be a good teacher.
Actually my professor recommeded this web site to me.
My English skill is not good, but I think you understand me.

Thank you for reading.^^
Hello Lee,

Are you graduating as an ENglish teacher?

Actually, I am going to be a mathematic teacher.^_^
Are you a English teacher?
Yeah... I am...
Hi everyone! My name is Narie (like Marie with an N) and I am from a tiny town called Lake Butler in Florida. It is close to Gainesville which makes it so I can attend the wonderful University of Florida. I am in my 3rd year where I am majoring in History and minoring in Education with hopes to teach... which is the reason why I am here!
I am very glad to be here My name is Tatyana .I am from Ukraine ,but now live in Moscow .Russia .Not long ago I have learned about Web2.0 and the great possibilities in it .I want to use it with my pupils (I have different ages ,but I like kids )
It is very useful to read all posts at all forums and maybe when I understand how it works I will write myself too .
Thanks a lot for creative this network for us .First of all I want to understand how to teach online .What space I need to use for my materials .How it works ? I hope I will find the answers here .
Thanks a lot /
Hi ! MY name is Sheela Anand. I am an Indian working in U.A.E in an Indian School as an Academic Head for theMiddle-School. I am glad that i joined classroom 2.0. Very recently i have taken up a certificate course with Michigan State University. I am thankful to my instructors who have taught me on many innovative methodsof teaching ,right from classroom management to assessments. I look forward to learn many more techinques using web 2.0 to make teaching and learning interesting in the classrooms.
I joined CR 2.0 to provide feedback (within that CR2.0 group) on the forthcoming ACEC2010 Conference (Melbourne - where I live).

I've been teaching in a Steiner/Waldorf High School since the mid 90s, and before that taught part-time at a University (Philosophy) and in a State High School (ICT - or Computing, as it was known in the 80s, and other subjects).

Though I highly value the wonderful developments in the field of ICT and its appropriate place in the art of education, I am also of the view that there is usually too little critical self-reflection on the part of enthusiastic adopters.

I am the director of technology at a small charter middle school in Pacoima, CA, USA. We have about 360 students, 6th through 8th, and are chartered as a technology integrated project & service learning school. I teach 7th grade art & technology and tech coach & mentor a staff of 16 teachers and 9 non teaching staff. We are in our 6th year of operation, and are looking for some amazing things from our students. The website is a bit minimalist (since I do the web design in my time), but check us out at

We are a Mac centric network with Linux for the really important stuff, as few Windows machines as I can possibly get. I love to brag about our kids and our school, so feel free to hit me up with any questions!




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