Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Buon Giorno Ale,

I am a college professor in Florida USA. I am trying to introduce my students to students abroad. Why don't you consider logging into my class web site. It will be open in August, when my class returns. We are going to be having discussions there about education, but maybe you can meet some students and make acquaintances that will help you decide about America.
the address is:
Hi, everyone! My name is Joanna and I'm currently a media specialist in a public school located in central PA. I've been working there for six years and had the wonderful opportunity to build the library from the ground up. I am currently still taking graduate courses, as I am always eager to learn new things in order to improve my students' experiences.

I'm looking forward to hearing everything that Classroom 2.0 has to offer!
Hi, my name is Professor Vigliotti. I teach at the State College of Florida. This fall I am teaching a diversity course, and I have started a ning site where my college students can post weekly classroom discussions and meet students from other counties, states and other countries.

I am inviting anyone who is interested to log in and join for collaborations between classrooms. The link is

I think this will really open up opportunities for my students and other students to learn about diversity and introduce the use of technology in a classroom that traditionally doesn't use it.

I am really excited about these new 2.0 technologies and we are all just experiementing and learning how to make the best use of them in the classroom.

I would love some input.

Prof. Vigliotti
I encourage you to take a look at this blog and the links to a class at DePaul University in Chicago.

Students in a "coming to Chicago" class divided into teams and used the maps at to learn about the demographics of different neighborhoods of Chicago. They wrote about what they were learning on their blogs. If you use maps like this, your students can not only meet people from diverse backgrounds, but can build an empathy and understanding of the different challenges faced by people from different areas.

That can lead to a whole world of interactions that might take place on social media and in your classroom as a result.
Hi Daniel,
I am very interested in your blog and map page. I am going to see how I can apply it to my intro to diversity class. My goals in the class are aligned with yours; to teach empathy, familiarity and strategies to new and upcoming teachers to various types of students.
Thanks for the good recommendation,
I encourage you to use the forum, or this space, as a place to brainstorm with us and others ways to engage students in this type of learning. What you do can be an example to others.
I teach students in grade K-5 in a gifted/talented pull-out program. I will be on the staff of a new school opening in August, and there will be many exciting tools for technology available, including smartboards, IPADs, IPOD listening stations, etc. Very exciting. I have dabbled in podcasting student projects, and having students share presentations with other students in our district through online meetings , but would now like to do more with classrooms across the country and world.
Hi Donna,
My name is Anna.
I am on track with you. I teach college students majoring in Education. I started a web site so that they can collaborate with teachers and students regarding educational issues.
It could be fun to try and collaborate in some capacity with your class, or yourself. I am also trying to get other countries to collaborate. Why don't you check it out... I am opening it in the Fall when my students return.
We are also trying to make use of all the great new technology. This will be an adventure for me, because I am the first in my department to start up a technology collaboration. Maybe we can share ideas.
The address is :
Keep in touch.
Wow, good luck with your adventure! I will check out the site. :)
I'm from Green Bay Wisconsin, home of the Green Bay Packers who will win the Superbowl in January 2011. I teach in the Wisconsin Technical College System at Fox Valley Technical College. I am a Diesel Mechanic Instructor and am the Department Chair of the Transportation Center. I have seven credits to go and in December I will graduate with my MS in Educational Leadership from UW Oshkosh.
Hi! Eric Robinson, Science teacher (Chem and Bio next year) at Jeffersonville High School in Jeffersonville IN. Looking for strategies and methods to better integrate technology into my classes.
Hi! Anabel Suico here from Manila, Philippines.



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