Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hi Anabel,
I am a college professor in Florida. My name is Anna.
What grades do you teach?
I am looking to unite my students with students from other countries to collaborate using web 2.0 technologies. Any interest?
If you are not interested, any leads would be appreciated.
I am a 3rd grade general education teacher in Anthem, Arizona. I have a 21st Century classroom and am an instructor in Smart Instruction using SmartBoards for my school district.
Hello from Turkey to everyone here who have made a great job with this classroom. I've been reading for a couple of hours and found great ideas. I want to thank everyone who has a finger in this pie!
Hello everyone! My name is Diane Aldridge, and I will be entering my 5th year of teaching high school math this year. I live in York, PA, USA. I am joining this ning at this time because of a graduate course I am taking. I have heard a lot about nings, but I have not really followed one in the past. I am excited to see what I can learn!
Hello, everyone! My name is Lindsey, and I teach fifth grade in a suburban elementary school in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. I am in my third year of teaching.

My husband is also a teacher. He teaches reading at a middle school in the city. It is really nice being able to throw teaching ideas back-and-forth with him.

I love to read. I have really gotten into Audiobooks this past year, because I can listen to them while driving to and from work. I also love music and theatre.

I am an enthusiastic learner. I am enrolled in the Instructional Media graduate program through Wilkes University. I have signed up for Classroom 2.0 and Ning in Education for a graduate course I am taking. I am very excited to learn how to integrate technology in my classroom!
Hello! I've been attending online events for awhile and want to get more involved in conversations on the Ning. I am moving to Prague in August to work as a grade 3 teacher at the International School of Prague. I am very interested in spontaneous and planned collaborations between my class and others around the world.
Hi Nancy

i also teach Grade 3, I am from India and I teach in an IB PYP school
wud love to do some joint projects with you
keep in touch with me @
Hi Nancy,
Nice to meet you. I have posted an open invitation to everyone to join my ning conversation with my classroom at college. I am interested in having a class discussion with classrooms from around the world. I am currently set up to do this with 2 classes in India. I hope to introduce my students to new cultures using web 2.0. If you want to join us you can go to . It sounds like my web page is just what you are looking for.

Also, I am very interested in teaching abroad. Any suggestions on how to best persue that? I want to teach in Italy.

I hope you check out my discussions. You are welcome to invite your students as well. The more the merrier.
Hello! My name is Amber and I am a fifth grade teacher from Illinois. This is a new experience for me. I'm looking forward to meeting and collaborating with other teachers and challenging my current thinking and practices. I'd like to incoporate new methods, practices, and tools to reach and engage student thinking and learning. I'm happy to have this opportunity.
Welcome, Amber. You will find this a place where you can freely ask questions, exchange ideas and just read and reflect. It is a very supportive place to spend time this summer. I taught elementary school for 30+ years and I am currently teaching pre-service elementary education students how to teach math and science.
Hello Everyone!
My name is Jamie Horvath, and I will be entering my 10th year of teaching elementary students. For the past 9 years I have been teaching 4th grade at Northampton Borough Elementary School in Northampton, Pennsylvania. This is my first experience using Ning and look forward to learning from other educators. I currently belong to Classrooms 2.0, Ning in Education, and Over the Fence (a Ning network that I created as required for a graduate course). I love using any technology available, including an interactive whiteboard, to enrich my daily instruction. My hope is that joining the Ning community will allow me to expand my personal learning networks while finding relevant tools and strategies to improve my teaching skills.
Hello! My name is Michelle Thomson and I am a first grade teacher and technology resource person for my elementary school in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. I love using technology with first graders and am looking forward to learning and sharing with you!



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