I am very curious about what schools and districts are asking teachers to do to prepare for the first day of school. Please take my survey. This survey will remain open through mid-September, and I will share results by early October.

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I would love to see the results of you survey. Thanks, Ken
Thought you should know -- I tried to take the survey but on the second page, in the chart of Strongly Agree/Strongly Disagree, there was a problem. I could only mark, say "Agree" one time. If I marked "agree" again for another question, it deleted my answer from above. This worked for all the buttons except for NA...I could mark as many of those as I wanted (which I didn't want to mark any of them).

I quit out of the survey and will go back in later? I'm using Firefox--could that be a problem?
Thank you so much Ginger for sharing this with me! I'll see if I can fix it.
Okay, the survey is up and running again. The part in question should work now. Please let me know if it doesn't. Thanks!
Worked like a charm! ;-)
On page 2, you have this question:

3. If you have already attended this staff development Please rate the impact of this summertime staff development as it applies to you.

You need to put a comma after development, and don't capitalize Please.

Beyond that, I would see if I could cut down the number of options under that by half. People's eyes tend to glaze over when seeing a list like that and they don't consider each option like they should.

Besides that, I think it's a good survey; the length is good and covers an interesting topic.
Yikes! I can't believe I let those typos get by me. Thanks for pointing them out.

I do appreciate the feedback regarding the number of options. Though I would rather not change that part of the surey right now, I'll keep your advice in mind in the future.
Results from this survey should be interesting- thank you. Some of these topics came up on a course discussion board this week. Comments included that corporations expect and include on the job training for anyone or anything new. Educators want to do their best in their classroom, and will do what it takes. The new year is right around the corner for me, and I have seen teachers in our school all summer. We wonder where to draw the line to do our best by our school and our families.
What are ways we can help our administrators offer differentiated staff development? Certainly using web tools and tutorials led by knowledgeable and experienced staff is one idea.
I believe that contrary to the public's general perception, many teachers in our country do work above and beyond their contracts because they are eager to do whatever it takes to be effective. That to some extent educators are taken advantage of -- that the real teacher work day extends beyond the contractual work day, that sometimes staff development does not genuinely meet their needs, that the pressure to make AYP trickles down onto them, etc. -- has a negative impact on teachers' attitudes when they are then asked to take time from their hard-earned vacation to do more. As it stands, teachers work themselves to death during the school year. Some of them also work pretty darn hard during their well-earned vacation.

'Tis a sticky wicket.
Would you be willing to post results once you have them?
Absolutely! I intend to share my results with all of you.
If you're interested, I've posted some preliminary findings to my survey here.



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