I've searched all summer and have been surprised at how few blogs and websites there are for elementary gifted programs; maybe there are fewer programs!! Anyway, our gifted Center does tons of technology projects and we're always looking for good ideas or people to share in them. You can see a list of my websites and blogs and our classroom blog, wikis and projects at http://anotsodifferentplace.blogspot.com

I have students who would love to have penpals---let me know if you have any good writers hanging around. My students only do "formal" writing online (in class) so there is no IM jargon, or "all about me" fluff, I teach (or try to teach) them how to converse about things people are interested in---you can see our blog online at http://areallydifferentplace.org You can see a list of student blogs on the left or start at "recent posts". Not much action over the summer but we would love to have new people join us after August 27!!

Tags: blogs, book, discussions, elementary, gifted, penpals, wikis

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Thanks for the suggestion---what I struggles with after 22 years in the business is "authentic, real work". Our latest project filled that bill--CSI:Cemetery Scene Investigation

This fall/winter we are going a unit on Pirates and Shipwrecks. We are going to use Titantic in the Classroom. (The curriculum and database aren't ready yet)

Are you teaching gifted in 2007-08? Keep in touch. N.
College of William and Mary have been working on this for years. Try:
Oh my goodness! I know what you mean about the lack of g/t materials. I've been working on those at the national scene to very little movement; I think we're going to have to make the changes at the lowest levels first.

If you're interested, I have a growing network at the Gifted Education 2.0 ning network. I have people attending the World Conference to spread the word and also there are many already there who are ready to collaborate.

I know of a few teachers in particular who'd love to look at your "different place" sites. I love the original--is that you?
Thanks, I'll check out Gifted Ed 2.0 and "yes"--I'm A Different Place.I've design almost all of my curriculum, after 22 years I've set the bar really high and can only get the high quality, differentiated curriculum if I put it together myself (or with my co-teacher). I'm in Overland Park, Ks Where are you? Still in Kansas? N.

Thank you again for sharing your class resources and ideas. When trying to bring teachers on board with classroom blogging, it really helps to point them to samples of "formal" writing.

Gail (http://blogwalker.edublogs.org
About 10 years ago I had my students do webpages for the first time. I decided then that I didn't have time to mess with "personal" websites and I really didn't care what your favorite color, food or band was. I figured they could do that kind of stuff at home. Now, when I have a student wanting to do a webpage or we do webpages as a culminating activity I make them do all the research first before we ever get to the "webpage" stage. I don't know if the writing is "formal" but at least it's not filled with IM abbreviations and cutesy silliness. I've enjoyed your blog---it's on my list! N.
These are really informative and in favor of the kids and in much clearer way, it is in the favor of the whole humanity, because children are our future.
It would be a really useful step towards the progress, as we are progressing in every field, like IT,currency trading , defense, transport we need skilled professional, when at this stage we started our children to be trained it would be an additional advantage. They should be given global education.
Welcome aboard, you might drop in and join http://giftededucation.ning.com It's a smaller group of kindred spirits!
Three years I started teaching gifted at a Title 1 elementary school and we use a lot of technology. However, I feel that I am still learning both. So for what is it worth here is our website:http://tinyurl.com/onecogifted. I have blog links under Student Resources and Gifted Highlights holds some of the kids different projects.

Nancy your students' blogs are wonderful and love the rules you have for them. Also, thanks for taking the time to create your blog it too is wonderful.
Digi, Thanks for sharing your site, I especially like the e-portfolios and plan to discuss the format with my co-teacher. Is this a district initiative? How is it working over time? We've be using Total Talent Portfolios (notebooks) for storing student work for the last 8-9 years but so much of our work now is digital it seems logical to use an online portfolio. I can't think of a way for students to input the links and upload thier stuff---I'll have to give this some thought. You can see all the stuff we've done over the last few years here.



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