Hello. I am not sure if there is a discussion out there for computer lab teachers yet. If not, I would like to start one so we can bounce ideas and resources off each other. I spent my first year teaching as a computer lab teacher. At first I was hesitant because I thought I would be a classroom teacher. Now, I love it and feel I am in the right place at the right time.

This September I start my second year only this time i am at a Chicago Public School with 600+ students. I have a lot of work to do to prepare and would love to talk with anyone about tips, tricks, what to avoid, etc.

Jeremiah Olson

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Hats off to you for starting off this discussion joint for technology teachers. I am in my second year of teaching. I was in a Grade 4 classroom last year and this year will be starting off as the computer teacher/network manager for our school. Overwhelmed with apprehensions, I find this site to be an excellent spot for the resolution of a lot of my worries. In fact, I've already started to feel better with some people's ideas. In the state of panic that I'm in, any suggestions/advice would be appreciated!
Urgent help: Is anyone using Kidpix in their schools? Our lab is XP and we are using Kidpix deluxe 4 but this summer we changed our users from administrator to poweruser and Kidpix is no longer working properly. Is their any other software or online site you know that might be more capatible with XP but be similiar to this program?
Try Tux Paint if you want to install something on the computers or Kerpoof if you want to use something online.
That's odd that modern applications won't run under a standard user account. I run a lab full of kidpix deluxe under power users accounts. In any case, in an pinch, there is a FREEWARE program called STEEL RUN AS that will let you run that program as an administrator while the rest of computer under a regular user or power user account on XP.
I teach computer lab at my school. 7 classes a day! ! ! ! I even teach Pre-K! It is a challenge everyday to keep up with the students fast paced know-how! I would love to collaborate with each other. :-)
We are looking into Pixie 2 which seems similar to Kid Pix Deluxe 4. We have had problems with incompatibility with Kid Pix 4. Does anyone know anything about Pixie 2 it is a product by Linux. It has the added features of being able to be saved in other formats and made into a movie. It can do several pictures as a string etc..., however, I would like to hear from someone who has used it before we purchase it.
Pixie2 is produced by Tech4Learning. They have an excellent suite of creativity software for students that echoes the functions of professional software like Illustrator (Twist), Photoshop (Imageblender),
Flash (Frames) and Pixie2, which allows you to do a lot more than Kid Pix. You can download a free 30-day trial of any of the Tech4Learning software from their site.

I do not work for them, but have used all of their software in my lab and love all of it. I highly recommend it. They are a very responsive company and will listen to customer suggestions to improve their products.
Another product we use is Tuxpaint, while it does not sound as feature rich as Pixie2 it is open source thus has no budget issues.
Thank you so much for your help. I will use Tuxpaint if I do not receive the grant that I am incorporating the cost of Pixie 2 into. Thanks for your help.
I am a first year teacher and I am also a first year computer lab teacher. I have about 800 students. I teach k-6. I have spent a lot of time gathering info on the net to help me with instruction. I am teaching the students computer literacy as well as the Office suite.
I have some really cool activities if you are interested.

I am always interested in learning about new activities. Please feel free to share. Thanks. I am doing a Photostroy with the 7th and 8th graders soon. It's going to be an autobiography type of thing. I am curious if anyone else has attempted an activity like this. I'm looking for steps to avoid.
I would love to hear about the activities you are working on.




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