I have been working in the digital world now for a little over a year...But there are a few things I just can not seem to get a handle on... One which always bugs me is copyrights and photographs..Many times for my work or student projects we need good photos and I know about using flickr and creative commons...However I still have a real hard time finding the right kind of pictures and when I do find them I am not always able to find the copyright information. Right now for example I have a picture of an old classroom with a nun teaching...I can't find it again...I do not know where it came from originally and I do not know its copyright status...I have tried to find an alternative picture and can't find one....Even using creative commons search and google image search
I have attached the picture here just in case someone knows its origin

Thank you
What am I missing...please help me how to do this more efficently

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This really looks like a still from a movie to me. Have you checked into that line?
I find the same dilemma, and will be watching this thread for advice!
Hi, it looks like a classroom from somewhere non-English speaking, judging from what's written on the blackboard. Not that that helps tremendously...

I think you have a "fair use" of the photo for student projects or a teacher presentation, but not to republish on the Internet. So it matters what you are planning to do.

I find myself going to Hall Davidson's charts on copyright. Even though they are 5 years old now, they are really clear and focused on classroom use.
Obligatory disclaimer: I am not a Lawyer. I don't offer legal advice. The following are my observations and opinions.

Be careful of that chart. The language in it makes me think that it was done before the TEACH Act went into force which substantially changed some of the rules. I didn't see anything in there that was blatantly wrong. The reliance on the counts and percentages is misleading and while based on Circular 21, the relevant legislation is Title 17. Comments made in the circular are not binding and probably should not be construed as carrying the force of law.

Also remember that "Fair Use Doctrine" is a defense against infringment and only comes to bear after you've been sued. You don't get to really claim FUD (it's not a coincidence that this is also a popular acronym for "Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt") until you're in court. It's not a get out of jail free card. It's more like a pair of dice. Does your school district have a policy on your legal fees?
Hi, you might find this list of sites useful when searching for graphics
Thank you, Susan, this looks quite helpful! Did you just churn out those 32-odd resource links in response to this question? You must have a really great set of bookmarks. If you use a social bookmarking service, I would love to subscribe to your rss!
Hi Sue, the rss feed for my bookmarks on del.icio.us: http://del.icio.us/rss/maaganm although I'm not sure just how useful it will be, while I have collected a "lot" of bookmarks, I don't seem to have got the tagging thing down pat - and sometimes have to click on quite a few tags before I find the link I know is on there. Sorting it out is on my todo list...
To really answer your question more information is needed. The most important question is exactly how are you (and/or) your students using the photographs you obtain. I imagine you understand that if you intend to distribute photographs outside of your classroom, on the internet, or in printed form (or digital CD/DVD etc.) you need to be concerned about obtaining appropriate permissions, license, to use photographs. If the use will be limited to your classroom and is used in teaching, you probably do not need to be concerned.
Even so, I like to point out, and stress the fair use, and licensing concerns to students when I or they use pictures obtained from any web source. Its all about asking permission to use something that doesn't belong to you.

If you have made every possible attempt to locate the copyright holder, and cannot, I would say go ahead and use the picture in presentations, in classroom lessons, etc., but do not distribute the picture. If you want to use the photo in a situation where you are earning money, ie paid presentation, publications, etc. than you might be wise to contact a copyright attorney and get some real advise.
Thank you for your feedback. To clarify my question...I understand fair use and I teach the faculty and students about copyright including creative commons but as we move more and more into web 2.0 and posting of student work and collaboration with a broader community we need to be more careful about our sources.
The list Susan posted is certainly helpful but it still didn't produce my desired results. There is a lot of talk about students creating digital content and I have viewed a fair share of web based ppts and youtube with educational content that have some great graphics or pictures and I can not seem to find ( with out a lot of search time) similar materials that I am confident we can use....
Maybe the resources have not caught up with this new emphasis on digital creations from the clasrooms/students that are going out on the public domain...
Just added "A Fair(Y) Use Tale" - Copyright Principles thoroughly explained by Disney Characters in a humorous video by Professor Eric Faden of Bucknell University. The video also appears on http://dotsub.com and so can have subtitles added in different languages.
This answered a few questions I had about fair use etc...



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