This year I'm going to be doing a lot more with my students related to Web 2.0. I've been thinking about it and decided I should collect some data first. We always talk about digital natives, but I think a lot of it is hype.

It would be nice to know where my students are right now and where they've ended up at the end of the school year. So, I figured I'd write a survey for them. Unfortunately this occurred to me this morning and I just don't have time to get one together.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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I'm using a survey in Wufoo which has limited free accounts. You can copy my survey form if you'd like in whatever form (paper, Access, Wufoo):

Blog page directing them to form:
Wufoo form:
Alice, I want you to come and teach technology for me. Nice idea.
Hi Alice, I visited the blog you linked to, and of course from there to the blog from last year - what a great resource for ideas, and to see what can be done.

I just wondered how you create the podcasts, in the class discussions do you pass a microphone round? In the table/group discussions, do the pupils use any particular program? Do they record seperately and then put all the files together?
Or to put it plainly.....How do you do it?
This is a survey via Survey Monkey that we used with a big middle school blog project last year:
Feel free to copy as needed.

Thanks Alice and Kevin,

I used bits of both of your survey in writing my own.
No problem
Good luck
and maybe you can share the one you develop?
Ya know, there are limits on the number of responses you can get with Wufoo (which I used). I had completely forgotten about Survey Monkey. I'm going to check it out and let you know if it looks better.

Looking at the different surveys. You can see the increased language an vocabulary level in Kevin's survey, which fits since he is teaching older students. Keep that in mind when designing your questions, and you should do well.
For the book discussion, I run around the room with a portable MP3 player that includes a digital recorder. The sound quality is, as you can hear, not great.

For other recordings, I used a plug in mic using the mic jack on my computer/laptop. I've had to purchase a USB mic since starting Webcasting. Audacity is great, and so is Levelator.
reading your replies, always leads to more than I expected! Thanks for the info and for the link.
Okay, I'm setting up forms in Survey Monkey (4th grade), Form Spring (5th), and Wufoo (6th). All limit you to 100 responses (easy to get in a computer lab class).

I'll let you know how it goes.
I love the survey idea and plan to do one. Which platform do you like best? I teach gifted 2-6. Stupid question(I know there are no stupid questions)--where does the input go? Do you find it at the site? Is it sent to you, could student access the data in spreadsheet form to make charts and graphs? This could work into a wonderful Excel lesson. N
PS I'll probably be able to answer my own question in an hour after I get the survey set up.



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