I have started a discussion in one of my classes on the subject and I´d like to have other people´s views on the matter to feed a little more diversity into it...Specially related to the teaching of English as a second language and the role it has in globalization...and How the subject has develped into being one of the most important topics today...
how the ideas in the books relate to english teaching as part of globalization?
in the book "History of english" by Barbara A. Febell i can observe that the history of english has been changing throgh the years,so teaching has been changed because the kind of write, read and the grammar has been aafected and the way of learning is different of the way that other people in the past learned english.
I went to the ocean beach last month, and after briefly wading in, retired to blog and write books and attend international conferences about the meaning of being tossed onto the beach by a wave.
(There's just a limit to the usefulness of omphaloskepsis).