Added tag category for Twitter/Jaiku Fans: "microblogging"

Just wanted to put out an alert that I added the tag category "microblogging" for those who want to discuss Twitter, Jaiku, Tumblr, etc. I expect there will be continuing discussions about them!

Tags: jaiku, microblogging, tumblr, twitter

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I teach English for a lot of Brasilian teenagers and have floated the idea of them maybe having a blog to practice writing in english more and showed them things like Blogger and Wordpress. Here in Brasil most students only actually speak in english for the 90 minutes of classtime and them nothing more until the next class. I was wondering if anyone had tried using Tumblr with their students and how they got along with it. I think that my teens might like this shorter, faster idea of postings on there as it wouldnt be similar to the postings they leave on Orkut, a social networking site here in Brasil
Thanks, Steve.
I just wrote about my entry into Twitter this morning at my blog and then came across this article on Microblogging via Twitter.
It's an ever-more interesting world, isn't it?
Thanks Steve.

I tried to use Tumblr with an ESL student - but we couldn't work out how to get into her account again when she was at home. So we resorted to Blogger - so now, I'm not sure of the advantages of Tumblr.
Have yet to try Jaiku.



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