This is the third in a series of forum posts asking for feedback on the software and services around the different categories of Classroom 2.0 programs. This time it's podcasting.

What hardware do you use to record your audio?
What programs or services do you use to record your audio?
What programs or services do you use to edit the audio?
Where do you host your recorded audio files?
What service do you use to manage your feed?
What programs, services, or hardware do you use to *listen* to other podcasts?
Is there an important aspect to podcasting that we missed asking about?

And, as before: Which are your favorites tools and why? What features are important to you? (If you're feeling verbose) What are the pros and cons of the programs you've tried?

Hopefully, these discussions will provide an unparalleled reference for new users making choices about what tools to use.

Tags: podcasting, reviews

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We are going nuts with Podcasting in our county. We introduced it in 4 two and a half hour class sessions last Spring and now have over 45 podcasters in the county. This Fall, our Superintendent and several Principals began to podcast. (Can you say REVOLUTION?!!) The students are loving it, and are actually RUNNING to class to work on research to write their scripts and to record or video their podcast. (That is just CRAZY!!) Oh and we use Audacity to edit our podcast and moviemaker to produce and then Jodix to convert our vodcast. iTunes is our aggregator of choice. Here is a link to my delicious site for podcasting
Wow. What a description! Gave me goosebumps. Way to go!
I'm about to start a podcasting project and I'm a novice but your sites on delicious will be a great place to begin learning. Thanks for sharing your successes.
Are your podcasters the students or the faculty? And what kinds of things do they podcast about?
We have podcasting going on from the Superintendent, to the Principals, the Teachers AND most importantly the students!!
Our Super, did a general welcome to our county, and is addressing certain issues in the news for his podcast. The Principals, change out monthly and cover student highlights, events and information, The teachers may podcast an assignment, spelling test, classroom events, and the students are podcasting in place of boring reports or powerpoints. They absolutely LOVE it. They love having an audience and they work ten times as hard on organizing their information, researching and editing than they ever would on a report.
We use MacBooks and the iLife suite for all of our podcasting, and we house them on a Mac OSX weblog server in our district. We chose the Mac platform for its ease of use and the ablility to use the suite of products in the creation of our podcasts with what we felt was the easiest way. Last year was our first year for podcasting and we have generated more interest this summer with staff development so I believe we will have an increase in the number we post. We do the compilation in GarageBand which is the audio recorder and editor we use, also iMovie. We do not use any PC applications for this in our district. We have podcasting kits which include a MacBook Pro, snowball microphone, digital camera, digital video camera, iPods with with recorders. We use the iPods on field trips or for interviews around buildings so students are able to record what they are doing or seeing on the spot, and the cameras are available to take photos of steps students are going through in a science experiment, or anything else that will enhance their podcasts. Our weblog server is, the files currently posted are from last school year, our current school year begins on September 4 so expect to see current information beginning in late September.
Although all of our High Schools have MAC Video Production labs, we are primarily a PC district. With 40 schools and 37,000 students the cost of the MAC would limit our ratio of student to PC. We have managed to podcast with Audacity and Feed for All using iTunes as our aggregator. (Blessed are the flexible!)
We are currently in the middle of a Teach 21 program where our teachers embark on a 2 year program of classes and projects. They are all equipped with a 21st Century classroom and receive additional equipment based on their Capstone projects. I tried the snowbal mic and ended up recommending the Samson C01U Condenser mic. Sound quality is excellent and the teachers feel like pros using it!! :)
I tried faculty development podcasting about two years ago and used a professional studio to record the audio. It was extremely expensive and we didn't get the readership we needed to continue. Since then, tools have become much more readily available and I am thinking about trying again. For a list of tools, see my podcasting links; I've tried Podomatic and InnerToob and liked both of them.
I know this is a "tools" forum, but what are the best ideas you have for "casts"? What makes the podcast "better" than another medium? I'm not sure it's worth my time and my students time to read a "report" for posting on the computer...give me some "wow" podcast ideas.
One idea that I have found useful in the English classroom is using (Garageband) podcasting to explore imagery in poetry and to get a better understanding of rhythm, mood and tone. Students recite poetry and add images that represent the meaning, tone etc. of their chosen poem. We watch the podcasts and analyse whose it most effective in visually representing the poem's meaning and why.
I my school the fifth grade researched different events from the Revolutionary War, then wrote summaries and scripts, which they recorded and posted as a Podcast. We use eMacs and iBooks with Apple's iLife Suite of software. I highly recommend it for this type of work. Here is a link to the site.
We're presently trying to do some podcasts with my Grade 9 classes. We're using cheap mikes, Audacity, and I'm desperately hunting for hosting since the school doesn't have anything adequate.
Topic-wise, since Nancy asked, we're working with the theme "Interviews with Dead Canadians." The kids research the life of a late, great Canadian, and then conduct an interview with him or her. They are really enthused about the project. I'm a little intimidated, trying to figure out how I'm going to get 23 groups (in two classes) some quiet time with a computer so they can record undisturbed.



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