I'm planning on setting up some short, voluntary PD sessions for the teachers at my school (high school level) on how to use "classroom 2.0" technologies. What kinds of things would you all suggest presentations about? I think I'd like to start with the easy-to-implement technologies and move to more advanced topics as the year goes on. These sessions will be about 30 minutes of presentation and 30 minutes of "help" time in a lab, once or twice a quarter (so about 6-8 sessions total).

I'd love to hear some suggestions from those of you who have implemented various technologies in your classes and schools. TIA!!!

Tags: pd, secondary

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Great topic. I am doing something similar at my school. I sent out brief survey to our teachers to get a feel for needs and interests. The multiple choices included things like " yes- asap" " no thanks- I'll help my team" "yes- and I have ideas to share" From the results I am planning sessions.
In another forum I saw good suggestions such as beginning with social bookmarking such as delicious. Then wikis and blogs. Most importantly use the tools as you are inviting and presenting.
I anticipate doing somethinig similar in the spring for my school division. I think teaching teachers about RSS, aggregators, and tagging with del.icio.us would be good. Also finding information using specific search tools like Technorati would be helpful. Show them how they can save time by training information to find them - it will increase their productivity and allow them to spend time finding NEW sources and not hunting down old ones. Once teachers find that using some of these tools actually can help them, they tend to want to use them in their classrooms.

I've had the best time teaching teachers to use blogs and podcasts in class, once I've shown them how they can help them personally.
Mary Hricko and I are currently running a joint project for future teachers at Kent State University.

Although Edtech here in the UK is not defined in the same way, we are aiming to combined these education students and the students I teach at Tauntons College, Southampton.

Feel free to take a look and piggy back - take look at the Edtech activities and tell what you think?

I'd include something on Google Reader. I think it could have a big impact on schools and how we teach.
Last year, I did a brief PD in-service with our staff just based on social bookmarking (we used iKeepBookmarks.com). Many of them hadn't heard of such a thing before. We were all in the computer lab so I could walk them through how to find sites, create folders, and bookmark things. Seems pretty basic, but most teachers do not have the TIME to figure out things like this. They really loved that it was a simple way for the teachers to share content & sites that may be helpful to others. A timesaver for many! Like I said, I know it sounds pretty basic, but I feel it was time well spent.
I like the idea of surveying teachers. But on the other hand, I've almost always succeeding when I've taught something I am very competent in and of which I'm very passionate. That's the best advice I can give, show other teachers your own passion for whatever tool you choose. this in and of itself, will be groundbreaking and help them take their own steps into conquering their own Web 2.0 molehill....

It's worked for me. I teach my teachers what I love, digital story making and karaoke file making. They end up using it and helping transform their classrooms.

Hey, that's a great idea! I would like to do that with my staff. Thanks for sharing!

I will be leading something similar and am in the middle of planning. I have been using this wiki as a resource:




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