I posted already about doing ed tech sessions for other teachers in my school. I am also hosting a short technology session for parents of high schoolers (about 20 minutes... but three sessions back to back) during our open house night. What topics do you think are important to share with parents? What would you include in the informational sessions? I was thinking of having a web survey or a blog set up so that the parents could answer/ask questions after the presentations. Anyone have nifty ideas for this one? :-) TIA!!

Tags: parents, secondary

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I love this idea. I am starting one at my K-8 school next year. I've had a lot of interest from parents. I've slotted it for after school, when they're waiting for their kids to finish an enrichment session. Topics parents have shared that they'd like are making cards on Publisher, using wikis and blogs, learning how to do what their kids do during class, using MS Word. I start each year with an 'informational session' which includes how to get to online grades, teacher webpages, how to contact me. I like the idea of a web survey or blog. I might borrow that. Let me know how it goes!

We held our first annual technology open house last year for parents and community members (sometimes it helps to get the taxpayers on board with what is happening in the school). We had teachers from all grades volunteer to come in with some of their students and demonstrate how they are using technology to enhance their education. Throughout the district we also had computers setup to play short videos showing student work or demonstrating technology available to parents to keep up with what their children were doing. A group from my office (business office) and the technology department had a help desk available to parents as well where they could get one-on-one help with our parent portal system or online lunch accounts. It was extremely successful and we are currently planning our 2nd annual technology open house. 

Having the students demonstrate the technology and the benefits they get from it was powerful. Almost everyone left with a sense of "wow"....we did not know this was going on here. 



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