I am in the process of designing a training approach to help schools address the issue of bullying and cyber-bullying and I'm trying to gather as many good resources as possible. If anyone would like to share ideas, I am all ears!
Thanks in advance!

Tags: bullying, cyberbullying

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I am very intested in this site but I get a message saying internet explorer cannot display this page. Any suggestions?
I am a computer lab teacher for 6-7 grade students. One of my major topics to cover is cyberbullying. All of the sites you guys have provided look great! But I was wondering what kinds of activiites/projects you assign for you students concering cyberbullying. In the past, my students have created wikis about cyberbullying but I was wanting to do something different this year. The students define cyberbullying, describe techniques, evaluate why people participate in cyberbullying, ways to prevent cyberbullying, and reserach laws in the US regarding cyberbullying. Some even create videos to load to the wiki.
Have a trial.
You mean like a mock trial where a student is accused of cyber bullying? Have you done this in your class?
I've done other trials but not a cyberbullying trial. There is certainly enough in the headlines, including the girls in Florida.
This is great - do tell me more. Have a look at something some of my students are doing in the Law School: www.dontsue.net Happy to explore casestudies with colleagues
Currently there is a group of teachers called Advocates for Digital Citizenship, Safety, and Success (Ad4dcss) who are working with others to create information to share best practices for digital citizenship, safety, and success. You can join their efforts and add your input and mold the series of lessons they are putting together.

The organizing wiki: http://ad4dcss.wikispaces.com/Advocates
They bookmark resources on Diigo: http://groups.diigo.com/groups/Ad4dcss
Blog: http://ad4dcss.blogspot.com/

Check out their resources or get involved.
Colette - you are a star!
Hi Kevin

Be sure to check out the CTAP4 Cybersafety Project at http://www.ctap4.org/cybersafety/ for many great resources.

Also, have you joined the Diigo Digital Citizenship Group at http://groups.diigo.com/groups/Ad4dcss ?

And here is a great list of Videos related to Digital Citizenship topics : http://www.diigo.com/list/abubnic/video
I just translated a booklet from the www.NEA.TEA.org dealing with the bullying problem in all levels of the school. Check them out. They are now in both English and Spanish.
Check out the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports website. www.pbis.org There is a link to an excellent manual for both elementary and middle schools on Bully Prevention, written by Dr. Scott Ross and Dr. Bruce Stiller. This website includes resources/presentions/information/research on prevention.
I actually went to a lecture called "Effects of Ostracism" (bullying). The lecturer even addressed cyber-bullying as well. His name is Kipling D. Williams. Hopefully you can find some things he has done. It is a very interesting topic.



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