On September 11, 1776, representatives of the Colonists and the British met in Staten Island, NY to discuss how they could avoid fighting the American Revolution. The meeting only lasted a few hours and the war continued. More information about this historic meeting is at www.theconferencehouse.org. With today's technology, wouldn't it be great if students in New York and London could meet again to negotiate a peace arrangement that could have ended the revolution. Trading email would be the easiest way. Getting into private chat rooms would also be good. Creating a website with their final "treaty" would be wonderful.

With today's technology, students can "negotiate" about many different topics with other students...down the hall or across the world.


Tags: American, Revolution, history, social, studies, war

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Joel: Great idea, and very creative.
This is a great idea. I'd like to set up something similar for my 5th graders. Know anyone in England? For my grade level we might start by just comparing what our textbooks say about the war from both points of view. My kids are starting to blog on classblogmeister and we're hoping to make some connections that way, too.
Jaylani aka Professor McGonagall @ DragonBlogs

The great part about the Internet is that you can search for just about everything, including classes in all parts of the world. You probably can find many using Google. Then, send an email to a teacher asking him/her if she/he can direct your question to the appropriate person in the school. The worst that can happen is that they never answer. :)



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