Hello all you intelligent wired educators. I have a huge favor to ask. The State of Michigan is getting ready to role out a new High School Social Studies Curriculum October 5th. (See attachment for draft)

One of the required classes will now be a World History & Geography class. I somehow find myself the chair for our World History & Geography committee and therefore in charge of writing the district curriculum and course description/requirements. While I am glad to be a part of the process and excited about creating this new class, I have never actually taught 'World History'. My previous experience has been more along the lines of a cultural geography class. My district has a 'World History' elective, but it is really more of a Western Civilization class, and has been taught in such a way that we may not be able to use too much from it.

I am looking for help from anybody out their who currently teaches World History (and Geography). Suggestions as to books, lessons, pacing, content, etc. would all be welcome and greatly appreciated.

I have created a group to discuss these things with other Michigan Educators (http://classroom20.ning.com/group/worldhistorystateofmichigan) but all are welcome to contribute.

Thanks in advance. Ed

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