On behalf of School Library Journal, I wish to thank all the members who contributed to the discussion, which resulted in our feature article on using 2.0 technologies, "A Little Help from our Friends." Special thanks to those profiled: Nancy Bosch, Ginger Lewman, the YES I Can! Project, Carolyn Foote, Lisa Parisi, Dave Ehrhart, Barbara Barreda, who provided additional material, including photos. And, of course, hats off to Steve Hargadon, who penned the piece. There were so many inspiring projects/stories, not to mention people--we simply didn't have the room in print. I hope to cover these online, perhaps in blog or podcast form. Let's see, there's 3,000+ members here. Looks like I'm covered for awhile ;-)
Kathy Ishizuka
Technology Editor, SLJ

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Here's the link: http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/greatapps. Kudos to all, featured or not.

I really like the idea of a podcast series, Kathy.

I'd say that Classroom 2.0 hearts SLJ as well! :)
Thanks for including me---hope that people will see what regular folks have done and try something new and exciting for kids! Nancy B.
This was a very fun project, and I"m thrilled SLJ is bringing this to their readers! Thank you Kathy and Steve!




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