Many of you might have seen "A Vision of Students Today". I told our superintendent I'd email her the video (along with the video "Did You Know? Shift Happens"). Of course, YouTube is blocked by our district and I cannot find another version of Professor Wesch's video. I know this group has discussed websites that allow you to rename YouTube videos. Please remind me of the names of those sites. I'm too tired to search Classroom 2.0. Thanks in advance. N.

Tags: A, Did, Happens, Know?, Shift, Students, Today, Vision, You, YouTube, More…of, video

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Nancy - you can use to capture a Youtube video, then download it as an AVI file and show it whenever you want. Is that what you had in mind?

I could do that, but there are applications that will "rename" the video so it circumvents the YouTube filtering block. (I think) We'll wait and see.
I've answered my own question. I found the original discussion. I've had no luck converting but will try later when I'm less tired. You know you use computer way too much when you have a social networking discussion with yourself!! Yikes!
Yeah I definitely recommend grabbing the video from the site instead of circumventing filters unless you have some strong ties to the IT department. I did this once to show my students something and it didn't look too good through the eyes of the technology department. It took a while to get back in good favor :) is one of the easier ways of doing this. Enter the url into the text box of this site and it will send you the file in it's original .flv format. You have to get an flv player but they have links on the site. I got a copy of the player stored on a flash drive and rip the videos I need from home and take them in.
This is perfect, I was too tired last night to do a good search!! Several dozen teachers are meting with our superintendent to discuss the future of schools and the next five year plan. She was surprisingly open to the downsides of filtering---wonder if that will go any where? Thanks a ton.
Visit my classroom 2.0 page and I have posted "Did You Know?". I do believe I have it setup so people can download. If you can not get it, drop me a note and I will setup something up so you can download it.
Thanks but the TeacherTube fix was the easiest (and hopefully not the slowest). I'll keep you in mind if I need the video for staff development. N.
That was my first thought but when I checked it out this was the message---"Online download is down until further notice". There was a link to another site, but decided not to "chance" it. Wonder if there is a lawsuit going on!! Thanks for the how-to link. N.
So, what do you all think of this video?
I think it's sad, I'm old and a little cranky. (OK, not that old or that cranky) I have so much "old school" in me, that I think there is merit in a "classical" education. I want my sons and my students to be learn-ed (is that a word)? I think it is important to know the great works of literature, philopsophy and religion. I think it's important to understand the wonders of science and the history of the world and be able to tell a Monet from a Renoir. I guess I would rather visit with some over dinner who knew these things rather than someone who knew how to use an aggregator. Repost from another forum. I hope it is not as academically grim as the video implies. What do you think?
I think it has artistic merit, and not knowing the source feel that its a good product for an art or film student.

As to serving the educational need, I don't know. I've been working all decade to package the benefits of a "classical" education into technically edgy, efficient, and free to the world media. The world is invited to help. So, (as I posted at the video site) I'd prefer the filmmakers came over and became part of the solution, not just documenters of the problem.

We could use many more great films. Films that help students learn what the phrase "crossed his Rubicon" means not just in the context of todays newspaper editorial, but over the past 2000 years. Films that make it clear that civilization is not just technology or modern clothes, but ideas of right and wrong and government by other than brute force or cult of personality. Films that show that George Washington was truly a great man, that Genghis Kahn was too in his way, that St. Patrick helped save Socrates from extinction, and that good things can be lost by those who are indifferent or won't or can't stand up. Films that just raise the level of culture, and maybe make a few people look for better entertainment than The Bachelorette - bisexual version (yes, it is on TV).

This film says nothing of that, and in my mind coddles to the entire idea that kids are in school to be entertained, not instructed. Students will makes lazy choices always, and all teachers will never be world class communicators.

On the other hand...I've of late spent much time in both the status quo education funding communities, and the "reform" education funding communities, and spent a day last December at Beyond the Basics: Achieving a Liberal Education for All Children. 150 leaders clamored for higher content education. Zero offered me funds.

Lots of high level people get the "classic education" problem, but they don't seem to get that it ain't 1991 any more. For them, maybe the video is news?

PS Yes, learned is a word. I'm getting there, but too much on my own and too little through school.



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