My educational service firm is working with a new school improvement solution from Finland. The solution includes an efficient evaluation platform that utilizes a unique two dimensional visual survey method, unique content package that has been accredited by the Finnish National Board of Education, and a school development process that has been created by some of the leading educational researchers and professionals.
The solution and survey have been used in over a thousand schools across Finland and Central Europe. Now the solution is coming to the United States. The information obtained from the development process has proven invaluable to school improvement efforts. Today Finnish schools are recognized as the best educational institutions in the world.
The company, ZEF Education, is hoping to develop new knowledge and insights about the U.S. educational system. We will be selecting two U.S. schools to participate in the (free) pilot testing of this school improvement solution. If your school strives for the highest possible educational attainment and would like to be considered for this opportunity please contact me.
For more information, check out the company's website:
If your school is interested in participating in this pilot, or learning more about it, please
let me know.