I'm not a certified teacher but am very interested in curriculum design (unfortunately for me it was not covered in my Masters of Education program at the University of Vermont). Can anyone recommend a book to give me more insight to curriculum design (I'm interested in any/all levels, but am a newbie)? Any suggestions for further reading would be much appreciated!

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YES! Understanding by Design by Grant Wiggens and Jay McTighe is a classic. Also look at the Buck Institute materials, the PBL Handbook and others. Finally, tooting my own horn, I've just written a book with coauthor Suzie Boss titled Reinventing Project-Based Learning: Your Field Guide to Real-World Projects in the Digital Age. It has a strong instructional design backbone that supports the reader through each stage of instructional design from selecting the instructional focus, to determining entry points for kids and activities that will meet objectives, to guiding work, bring in collaborators and experts, assessing learning, and celebrating the experience. It shows how technology supports teaching and learning practice all along the way. Available in November through ISTE Publications. Here's a link to our blog for more information and the continuing conversation about reinvented pbl: Reinventing PBL
Best to you,
Jane Krauss
Thanks so much for the resources, you're blog is very interesting. I'm bummed I missed the webinar but will look through the archives available from your blog.

One question about your organization, when you develop curriculum, how do you provide it to teachers and students? Do you use a cms to disseminate? I'm intrigued...
I'm not sure what org you are referring to but I am developing a course that relates to the concepts in the book. First effort will be face-to-face with wiki and Ning spaces, and after piloting that I'd like to try an online (sometimes real-time, if virtual) course. I image we'll need to host events and need more cms functionality so I might use Desire2Learn or moodle... dunno yet! Would love ideas!

In my other work life, with the Learning Innovation Technology Consortium, we've built out a drupal site to support the curriculum, would show you but it's not for public use right now.
I was referring to LITC...great mission.

I'm a bit biased because I love Moodle, but it supports both synchronous and asynchronous activities quite well (with more ways to do it all the time), and it's much cheaper than desire2learn....cause it's free!

If you want to try it out before making a decision, I admin several free Moodle sites throughout the US. You're more than welcome to play around with it.
I will take you up on that! Note to self... :)
I'm from Thailand and I'm very interested in the subject of instructional design. My future goal is to start a self-development institute for children in Thailand of various ages. I want to be able to design courses for them or at least able to oversee the design. I actually have been looking for online degree programs that teaches those courses. However, I'm not sure where I should go for. Most of the courses are called Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment or Curriculum and Instruction, which as I see, are based on too much with the instructional skills, not designing the curriculum as I hope. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks in advance. By the way, I will also look for the books you mentioned. Hope they have them here in Thailand!!!
Good suggestions about Grant Wiggins and project-based learning. I recently wrote a post about revising a piece of interdisciplinary high school Humanities curriculum and making it more Classroom 2.0. Not sure if that would be of interest to you, but if you would like to take a look, it's entitled "School 2.0 and the Unit on TIme."

I'm not sure what you mean by curriculum design, but it's probably different than most ed schools imagine. I suspect you are looking at a micro view? I have one link for you, but its actually at the macro view.
MOVING BEYOND THE BASICS Why reading, math, and science are not suf.... (The print version is here).
Please check out the new title "Reinventing Project-Based Learning". It outlines a clear, very directed instructional design process and is illustrated at every stage with success stories from classrooms around the globe that make the most of digital tools. For more see the right channel on our blog: www.reinventingpbl.blogspot.com.
Laura, thanks for the input, I actually ordered this book with a birthday gift card from B&N. Going to start it tonight! Thanks for the suggestion...
Classroom Assignments that Work by Robert Marzano.
I have to agree with The suggestion of Understanding by Design (UbD). In 2005 I received my Mater's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction in 2005 and my entire course work was designed around this work. Since then I have taught a course methods of teaching English Language Learners and we have worked very hard to integrate the ideals of UbD to make instruction better. UbD does require a paradigm shift. It basically asks the teacher to develop big ideas, concepts in which to teach to and then design all instruction around what the desired outcomes are. I have found that many people have a real hard time making the shift to concept based instruction, but when they do…they find that more learning takes place. I love to talk Curriculum design, so please feel free to chat at any time!

Also, for a more interactive approach, ASCD has a few great online courses about Ubd. I have taken a few and I loved them.




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