On May 3rd I will start teaching a class for teachers in my district called "Intro to Web 2.0." We will be meeting for 2 hours every Thursday for 6 consecutive Thursdays. Teachers will earn 1 graduate credit. I posted this class to the district on a Monday and it was full by Wednesday. I'm pretty excited. I have 17 teachers K-12 signed up, including fellow educational technology specialists, librarians, classroom teachers and special educators. I have gotten a lot of ideas here for things to do in the class (We are using Will Richardson's book as a text - which the district is paying for!). I also plan to have everyone sign up on Classroom 2.0.

Okay - I'm getting to the question... I am planning to call everyone up (yes on the phone - not even Web 1.0 - but I think the best way to get a response from people) before starting the class and ask them some questions as a "Learning Needs Resource Assessment." Something I learned from Jane Vella's work on adult learning theory. I would like to ask people what they already know and what they might contribute to the group.

Okay... Okay... here is the question. What do you think I should ask people? If you were taking this course what would you want the instructor to know about you? If you were teaching this course, what would you like to know about your students?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions. Thank also to everyone who gave me such great ideas for my wiki project. I am getting a lot out of this space - both lurking (or blurking) and participating!

Tags: intro_web2.0, teaching

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Elizabeth, first, it's good to see that this kind of thing is being done. Now, I would find it hard to respond to what I would like you to know about me because I'm already doing a great many things. I already use RSS feeds, a blog and a wiki, actually several wikis, I've started a book club and use many of the web2.0 tools. I would like to do more with podcasting and conferencing on the web.What would I want to know about my students? Well, I'd like to know there familiarity with basic computer skills, use of word processing, data bases, spreadsheets, presentation tools and then move into other tools that they use, either for themselves or in the school like email. You might want to know if they do online teaching or have taken online courses. It seems you ahve a mixed group so it would be good to know how comfortable they are with RSS feeds, web collaboration tools, conferencing tools, online desktops, blogging, wikis, podcasts, itunes or some other such site, and various apps online.
Hope this helps.
Hello Elizabeth, on Thursday I´ll do the same like you: coaching 15 teachers about using new media in school partnerships. I recommend you to ask your colleagues about there skills and interests.
One interesting writing assignment that I have done with teachers in various blogging workshops is have them write out a Technology Autobiography. I stole this idea from somewhere. In our workshops, that often becomes their first blog post/podcast. But for me, it has been fascinating to read what people's first impressions were of technology -- what do they remember as one of the ahh-hahhh moments when they began using some new technology in a way that led to some change in their thinking.

I think the idea of asking them, what can you present to this group of teachers? This is powerful for many people and it might just be an introduction to using Wikipedia, or how to use an RSS aggregator, or even just using Google Search. It could be basic or complex. But if you bestow them with the possibility of being the "expert," then they will begin to see themselves that way.

Good luck.
On top of all the previous, I would ask them about their personal passions, and see if there are ways to hook into these later. A knitter might find that seeing various social networks of knitters where people link their Flickr photos of thier creation, ask beginner questions, share patterns, etc. gives them that aha feeling. An amateur astronomer, romance novel lover.... there's something out there for everyone. (Extra credit - posting, participating somewhere and then reflecting on that in their own brand new blog!)

I think part of what you are tyring to do break them out their "teacher head."
Yes, I was definitely thinking of asking about their interests - what they like to read about, if they are interested in politics, union issues, particular issues in education - achievement gap, writing workshop etc, or something like knitting (I have a friend who loves knitting blogs).

I also thought I would ask them how they feel about writing. Are they confident about their writing skills? Do they like to write? Do they ever write in a journal? Do they write long e-mails? Stuff like that.

I really like the technology autobiography idea for a first blog entry.

I also want to know if they are reading any blogs now and if so what they are reading and if they are using an aggregator. I want to draw on the expertise of the people in the room - it is going to be a very diverse group.
Yes, Sylvia I agree with you. It isn't so much about the boxes and wires and cool stuff as it is about the teachers themselves. Too often we seek out their tech expertise when it really doesn't matter that much, what counts is tapping into their passion for something. And then seeking technology tools to bring the excitement and engagement to the teachers own personal life. If we can assist in that connection between teacher and passion good learning will happen. I believe it will also make compelling argument for using 2.0 tools. But I don't care if it does not lead to that end. I want good teaching and learning.
I'm planning to do a little bit of a lot of things - blogs, wikis, del.icio.us, flickr, youtube/teachertube, podcasting. I've attached my syllabus if you want to see more details. The syllabus is just an outline - I'm sure things will change once we get started.
Hi Elizabeth,
I have been using Web 2.0 tools as part of a masters level class for teachers on software and web evaluation. After demonstrating (through video) one Web 2.0 tool, I ask them to each investigate one Web 2.0 tool and post a summary with screen shots and a use for the classroom. This involves them in the investigation and many pick Web sites I have not found yet. Thanks for sharing your syllabus.
Ask them what concepts THEY would teach to their students. Sometimes, if you ask someone what their experience level is with a particular technology tool, they will enhance a bit. But, knowing what is important enough to pass on -- that might clue you in to their core beliefs or fears about 2.0.

Good luck! I think it is a fabulous opportunity for all involved.
What I'd want you to know about me-
my technological experience
my experience integrating technology into the classroom environ.
what I hope to learn from this class
the grade/subject I teach

I'd consider asking them-
what they think web 2.0 is?
what are they using now that might be considered 2.0?

It might be worth thinking about grouping them around strong users or particular interests so you could do general overviews of a few options and let them get more into particular ones with group projects etc.
Believe or not, here in Argentina I am starting a very similar project, (to 20 very motivated teachers from Buenos Aires) and I wanted to share with the community the approach that I will try to adopt.

I will use all kind of Web 2.0 tools to make the class a project on itself. We will have a few group classes, some one-to-one meetings, and a lot of virtual support.

I want to give the project a Web 2.0 focus form the start to emphasize the collective strenght of the diverse and multitalented group of people that I am going to work with.

Some ideas and tools we are going to use:

- Obviously, a blog to document the experience. A set of tags will be set up to annotate the content.
- a "tag" for the group to uplooad photos to Flickr, video to Youtube, docs to "Scribd", diagrams to Gliffy, etc.
- a OPML file with RSS feeds of individual productions to be shared to group, including del.icio.us bookmarks, Flickr feeds, etc. A Netvibes or Google Personalizes Home Page will be our aggregator.
- a Feevy set-up to include the blogs of the participants of the class.
- a wiki to record the teacher's projects and activities triggered by the class, and also the productions of their students.

In a nutshell, I am trying to create a community of motivated teachers, give them the tools to enrich themselves, and document the products and the process.

Any comments and suggestions will be very welcomed
Yes - I have similar goals. What I'm thinking about now is order - what to start with? Where to go next. I also don't want to overwhelm. I can't do everything - I have to prioritize.

I am definitley going to have them set up an aggragator. I've been trying to think about which one. I use google reader - but I have a gmail account, so I think it makes the most sense for me. But maybe that isn't the best one to show people.

OK - what is a feevy?



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