Okay - I have to admit to the real reason I'm so excited about Web 2.0. I want to be famous. Okay, maybe only among a couple hundrend school teachers - but it's a start. Today I got an e-mail from Steve Hargadon asking me to podcast a quote from my blog entry for a keynote he is giving. How cool is that.

When I was in college, I wanted to be an actress. I gave up that dream, but now I have a chance to find fame (maybe not fortune) somewhere else. Who knew? Who would have thought that it could happen to a bunch of school teachers. I haven't published a book, but there are people around the world reading my blog. I haven't been interviewed on NPR, but a whole bunch of people I don't even know are going to hear my voice. Maybe it isn't Will Richardson fame, but it's a start.

Maybe you are smiling right now reading this, but sadly, I'm not joking. I'm a fame junkie and I admit it. I know I'm not alone. Who else out there is searching for a little bit of stardust?

(I posted this to my ning blog, but this seems like a better place to start a conversation.)

Tags: blogging, fame, fortune

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I have started to have a sneaking suspicion lately that I might be seeking some fame too. I am delighted that by playing around on Classroom 2.0 and in Second Life; I get to hobnob with the ed tech greats. (Although in SL I am too shy to actually talk to any of them, but that's another story.)

It was a sad day recently when I realized that at the moment the only somewhat unique quality I have to offer the world is Moodle integration expertise combined with tolerable writing skills. For some reason people read (and aggregate) my blog anyway.

I will also have to settle for fame among a few school teachers.
If, as Gail Godwin said, "Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theater" then educationally you're in good company.
I don't want to be famous, but I also wanted to be an actress in college. In fact, my first degree is in theatre performance. Now I use my theatre skills to direct school plays and read to my students!
As Michele just said--good teachers are on stage. We have to get the students' attention and hold it, at least for a bit before we send them on their merry moment's path of learning.

Fame? Sure, why not? But for right now, I'm working for kudoes from the right people--parents, students, and bosses--and in that order. But sure, who doesn't like having people say they're someone special? I do plan to live forever through the memories and life-actions of my students!
I know that part of me likes to be in the conversations that take place about school and the future. Part of the reason is my passion to help revise a system that is not working as well as it could. However, a small part is that I want to be remembered for what I have done in some manner. Now, that is not why I am sitting here at 1:00am getting ready for the week. I want to be part of the edge that brings about a change in schools that has not been done before. So, instead of teachers saying "This too shall pass.", they will begin to see that this will not pass, they will become part of a reform that will, indeed, alter schools in ways we have not yet dreamed. So, to answer your question, a small part is looking for a bit of stardust.
I love your blog !!!
You're absolutely right!! There's a need to express ourselves :-)
I like you are so clear about waht you want


I am thrilled you want to be famous. I am certain many of my students want to be famous.

But is this the goal? The purpose?

Create, Collaborate, Share.

For what?
Interesting topic, Elizabeth.
I guess I admit to some fame desire, although I don't think that is why I blog. I blog more to understand myself through writing and to understand myself through exploration, and it seems as if sharing and collaboration are crucial elements of this emerging technology landscape.
But, your post brings up an interesting idea that I was going to blog about later this week (and still will):

In February, or so, I got my edition of Wired Magazine and it asked if I wanted to be on the cover as part of a personalized cover art project. You send in your photo and they plant it on the cover of Wired. The first 5,000 folks get it done. What the heck? I thought. I did always want to be featured on the cover of a magazine (I always thought Rolling Stone for my music, but I'll take what I can get). So I sent in a photo and then forgot about it.

And this week, my Wired Magazine arrived -- and there I am, on the cover. My sons were amazed and transfixed, wondering how this could have happened (I mean, that's dad on the cover -- why would he be famous?).

It's been some good laughs here.


WE are all famous, WE just don't know it ..............

Sounds overtly wrong but I don't think this statement is..... The world works by those who take many small steps, quickly. The busy ones, not looking up. I've seen and witnessed this over the years and have come to that firm conclusion. The famous are those who are not rallied around but those who rally...... the doers.

I once wanted to be "famous' in the conventional sense. But it is more fun producing than consuming. I keep busy filling the world with myself, my ideas and my worth. That 's as good as it gets and that is a helluva lot...

So cool Kevin! Did everyone get a different cover? Nice picture!

I agree, blogging has become a lot more about self reflection for me. I think that the more I think about Fame within my blogging, the more it inhibits what I want to say. There is a thin line there that can be tricky. I have to think about my audience, but I also have to be free to share my thoughts.
I guess everyone did get a different cover.
Wouldn't it be funny if they messed it all up and we all got each other's covers.
Somehow, though, they got me the right one.
Cool picture Kevin. You can make your son's their own magazine covers using Flickr toys. I have created a couple for my family. If fact, I often use them in the classroom when teaching about anciet civilizations. The site is www.bighugelabs.com/flickr



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