I have written a course description and course philosophy statement for a graduate level class that I would like to teach at CSU. I am proposing a title of, "Participatory learning and mentorship." I know that many of you may be in a graduate program or thinking about a graduate program of study. I would greatly appreciate your input on this course - I have placed the proposed text on wikispaces at http://switchspace.wikispaces.com/GCS.

Please feel free to edit this wiki with your suggestions / ideas on what would make an interesting graduate level course on this topic (you can even edit the title). I have also attached the proposed text as a .pdf and .doc files

Thank you for considering this request for help... I will post the final version on the above listed wiki page.

Tags: feedback, graduate, syllabus

Views: 52


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Hi James,

Looks good overall, but it's really hard for me to tell what the class is about without seeing activities, readings, and assignments. It's a good statement, but the devil is in the details. I'd love to see it when you put that together.

Or, would you like to collaborate on the contents as well? If so, get it started and you'll see more movement on it. Nobody likes to hit a blank page :)


Thanks for the suggestion and feedback. I am working on those parts...

Your course plan and reflections on your blog are fascinating! We need to all pool experiences with our experiments in "learning switchovers," as I've begun to think of them.
At the elementary school level it may be a lot easier to just "go"--and form a true, spontaneous, enthusiastic learning community. I don't know if age is a significant variable, but I'd think it could be.
Much enjoyed reading your philosophical and very thoughtful blog--hope to hear a lot more.
PS: See you over on Ning in Education as well--

Yes, we all need to be adding to this conversation. As you read on my blog... it has been a great learning experience for me. I think the younger we get to them - the less indoctrinated they are to the ideas of "experts" and being afraid of making mistakes or having the incorrect answers. Their creativity is still with them.


First of all, I greatly enjoyed your K-12 Online Conference presentation. I am still working through all the ideas but hope to reference portions of it in an inquiry I am conducting this semester about web-based technologies and new teacher induction. I thought your three-part presentation was inspiring and practical. Why not include those as artifacts at your wiki?

I like the title "Participatory Learning and Mentorship." It seems out here on the new web we all wear both hats (teacher/mentor versus learner) at some point , and sometimes we wear them simultaneously! I have spent a lot of time this semester understanding the role of moderator/facilitator in these virtual environments, but up until recently had not considered the roles and responsibilities of an "engaged learner." A few weeks ago, I asked CR 2.0 members to share their reflections about engaged followership, and I received zero replies!

I see your course seeks to clarify both sides of the teacher-learner equation. I will continue to follow this discussion and check in on the wiki, but don't think I have anything concrete to add at this time.

Thank you for the reply. I like your take on the title... the more I reflect on it the more I think it fits. But I am still of open to suggestions.

I am glad that you enjoyed my K-12 presentation. I am learning to work with the format of online podcasting / video. As I mentioned in a post on the presentation wiki... I struggled, thinking about the length of the presentation time (they had told us 20 minutes) but I wanted to get away from 20 straight minutes. I still feel that I have to fill the allotted time (seat time).

Please let me know which portions of the content you reference, for your new teacher induction. I like to hear what resonated with people.

Thanks again and I look forward to your future ideas on this course. I plan to post a proposed schedule and activities soon.




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